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My eyes are leaking, my heart is paining and I have this fearful feelings inside of me all because I'm standing in the waiting area of the hospital anxious to hear what happened to Diego. I swiped both palms over my eyes to dry my tears but they wouldn't stop, it's been half hour and no news.

I didn't know I would be in so much tears for a man I'm not even involved with like that, a man I argued with everyday and that man I wanted so bad to get away from but he's also that man that took care of me when I was sick, he watched movies with me a couple times, we have some reasonable conversation that sooner turned into arguements but still I don't wish for him to leave this world....

"Clarissa darling?" I heard Noona's voice called out at me and I turned around to see her walking towards me with a few of her maids and guards.

"Noona" I called softly, I tried keeping back those tears but the fell anyways.

"Don't cry darling, he's a strong boy and he will be ok" she said soothing me but I could tell she is broken.

I hugged her so tightly, she's like a grandmother to me and I want Diego to be ok for her sake as well because I can't loose her either. Indra returned with the coffee I asked for and we all sit in the waiting area impatiently. I am so glad she's here with me, I didn't want to bother my parents this late even though they don't like Diego that much I know they would be here for me.

"He's going to be ok Clarissa" Indra said rubbing my shoulders.

"He has to be Indra, his grandmother would be devastated if he's not" I told her.

"What about you?" She asked and I looked up on her.

"You're in love with him Clarissa, it's all over you" she whispered while checking our surrounding.

Nonna was sitting infront of us but she looked lost. Indra words have me thinking, could it be true and I'm not realizing it? Or I do realized it but I'm fighting with it? I know there's something there for him but I can't comprehend it.

"I-I don't kn.......

"Family of Diego Statham?" a female voices asked out and we all stand at attention.

"Yes" I answered out weakly.

Noona and I stepped infront of the doctor while the other's distance themselves except Indra,  I dragged her with me incase I need to brace for what I will be hearing.

"How is my grandson doctor?" Nonna asked poorly.

"I am Doctor Ellis. Mr. Statham had a blow to the head which is caused by him collapsing, he is still not awake but I think he will soon." she said and I observed her, there's more and I can tell it's not good.

"Uhmm Noona you should go see him first" I said wanting her to leave so I could hear what the doctor have to say. I know that whatever it is will cause on impact on Noona and I don't want Diego waking up and hearing any bad news.

Nonna left shortly after the doctors gave her the direction then I entered her office. My breathe was becoming short, anxiety was killing me and this feeling is really painful.  

"Have a seat Mrs. Statham" Doctor Ellis offered and I sat nervously.

"So I noticed there was more information about my husband and I couldn't allow his grandma to hear because she is sickly and wouldn't take it well.... so what is wrong with him?" I asked in one breathe.

"Your husband have stage two colon cancer....

"Oh my God!" I clasped my hands over my mouth with watery eyes.

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