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"You need to go home son, you have been here for the past two weeks... You have a company to run Diego" Noona said, walking over to where I am in the lounge room and handed me a cup of hot chocolate...

My head is all messed up and I don't even know where to start from. My wife don't want to see me, she hardly talks to me and all I want is for her to come home.  I know I have done her wrong, I accused her and my bestfriend wrongfully but I expected her to forgive me by this. I can't eat, I can't sleep and I can't concentrate on my company like I always do. I can't even sleep inside my own home because she is not there.

"Noona I can't go home if my wife is not there, I need her to come home" I told her weakly. I can't believe I am this vulnerable, this is so not me but that what love does to you. It's lovely but also painful.

"And why is your wife not home? Who caused all that?" she asked sipping on her tea.

"Noona I am sorry for accusing her wrongfully but she should forgive me by now. We all do make mistakes" I was becoming angry of this whole situation, I was angry at her for not being her with me.

"She is hurt Diego and she is scared, you let Taylor came back and messed with your head and your marriage. I don't blame Clarissa for trying to protect her heart, what is stopping you from letting go off Taylor?" Her upper lip curled in disdain at the mention of Taylor' name.

"I- I don't know Noona. When I see her all these memories just came rushing back and my heart just feels like it want to let her in again... The feeling is uncomfortable because I do love Clarissa and I'm unsure about my feelings for Taylor " I told her honestly.

Taylor have done me wrong,  she hurt me but she have her reasons to leave, she was sick and considerate about my feelings and I feel like I shouldn't be hard on her but the fact that she lied to me about my wife and bestfriend really pissed off. I need to straighten all this out, I will be a father soon and I want to be there for Clarissa and the baby.

"Clarissa is your present now son, you guys are having a child together. You need so straighten all this out and you need to go run that company your dad passed down to you" with that said, she kissed my forehead and walked out.

I know what I have to do... I have to make things right now so I took my phone out and called her.


Bryan parked infront of Russell's Restaurant and quickly opened the car door. My polished shoes emerged from the car first then my body, I looked up at the elegant building before making my way Inside. My eyes immediately spotted Taylor, she was already seated. She wore a red tight dress, my favourite color,her blonde hair curled and her make up just fine. She's as beautiful as always, I snapped myself from staring her then approached her seriously.

"You're late handsome" She said flirtatiously, flicking her tongue over her upper teeth while eyeing me seductively.

"I want to make this quick because I have other plans" I said curtly while one of my guards pulled my chair out and I sat. I waved them off, to leave my presence.

"So you Invited me to dinner, that's lovely?" She smiled, her eyes never leaves my body and my heart started beating fast.

"I need you to leave Taylor, you and I will never get back to where we was. That's all in the past, the love I had for you is all in the past. I love my wife very much and I will not let you come between us, I'm asking you to leave nicely and don't push me to force you out of New York" I said seriously.

I meant all that I have said, I figured out my feelings and it all lies with Clarissa. I don't love Taylor like I used to and I will never go back there, when I saw her and heard her story I just felt like I need to explore the feelings that were acting up inside of me but I was wrong and I am glad I figured that out before it's too late. I am going to see my wife and I am taking her with me.

"You and I belong together Diego not her.......

My eyes widen when I saw Clarissa staring at me. I wasn't hearing a word Taylor was saying because I was completely lost. Clarissa ran out of the building and I ran behind her but she wouldn't stop. She ignored me calling at her even her friends callings she ignored. I finally reached up to her and stopped her from entering the car.

"Leave me alone!" She screamed at me with tears pouring down her eyes.

"Please just listen to me Clarissa, it's not what you think" I pleaded with her but she wouldn't let me touch her.

"It's exactly what I am thinking Diego, what have I done for you to be hurting me like this? All I did is loving you, I care about you so f**king much, I asked you to sort out things with her.... she pointed behind me and Taylor was standing there with a satisfying smirk on her lips.

"And instead you are here on a date with her, you said you love me Diego, you promised you will fix this!" She was shouting and in no time paparazzi was here filming everything but I didn't care right now that tomorrow my personal life will be all over the media.

"I wasn't on a date with her, I was fixing things to come bac....

"Really Diego? Why don't you just tell her the truth that as me out on a date? Can't you see you two aren't meant for each other?" Taylor spoke and I wish she have just shut her damn mouth. 

"Shut up Taylor!" I barked at her.

"I guess she is right Diego we are not meant for each other, all this was a mistake infact all this wasn't suppose to happen. It's just going to be harder because I am having your baby but I will recover from this heartbreak. I don't want to see you ever again" with that said she entered the car and slammed the door.


I want to stop crying, I need to stop because, I don't want to have a high blood pressure and end up in the hospital again. I inhale and exhale, trying to calm my self down but I wasn't doing good at it. I reached home in no time and ran straight up to my room ignoring Mom calling out to me. I kicked my heels off and stuffed my face in the pillow, crying silently.

"Clarissa what's wrong?" Mom asked knocking on my door but I locked it.

"I want to be alone" I cried.

"Are you crying Clairey?" She asked worriedly.

"No mom, I just want to be alone please" I begged her.

"Ok but please call me if you want to talk about it" she said before walking away from the door.

My phone started ringing and it was Xo, I ignored the calls and quickly sent her and Indra a text saying I want to be alone then switched my phone off. I didn't want to talk to anyone, my body was in pain, I was suffering from this terrible nightmare that I just want to wake up from. He chose her over me and lied about it, if he love me like he said then he wouldn't need to make a choice. How could he be so cruel when I am having his child? I love that man so much and he just ripped my heart from my chest just like that.

Minutes later, I took a dose of the blood pressure pills the doctor prescribed for me then fell asleep. I heard a small banging sound coming from the window in my room and my eyes flicked open. I switched the lights on and screamed when I saw the figure standing by the window. I walked close to it when I made the person out but I didn't open it.

"What the hell are you doing up here? How did you get up here?" I asked him incredulously. How did he get up on the third floor from outside.

"Sweetheart please let me in, I will explain everything to you" he begged desperately.

"I don't want to talk to you Diego please just go away" I snapped at him.

"I will not leave until you hear me out sweetheart after you hear what I have to say then you can make your decision. Clarissa please just let me in" he pleaded.

I hesitated for a while before opening the window and he climbed in.


Another update, I hope you did enjoy it.

X😍X 😍


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