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"Urgh!" I growled, throwing the white sheet over my head, hiding my eyes from the ray of sun that's beaming through the curtains. I didn't feel like waking up right now but my eyes flicked open when I remember where I have to be today and what I have to do.

I threw the sheet off my body and stepped down of the bed, my feet shivered when they touch the cold white tiled floor. I reached in my bathroom that's adjourned to my room and picked my tooth brush.

As I wiped toothpaste over my toothbrush, I remember dad voice in my head. I can't believe he barrowed a hundred thousand dollars from that beast_well not technically him but from his dad which I heard past away a few months ago.

My dislike for Diego Statham goes way back from high school. He's a couple years older than me and he was this popular rich kid that thinks other's should kiss his feet. He act like he run this city although the people here let him thinks he's God.

How dare that beast threaten my dad to take his house and his company ? My grandad left him that company and my dad would do anything to save it, if he loose it, I know it would affect him real bad and that's why I have to talk to the devil.

As soon as I finished brushing my teeth, I stripped of my night grown and stepped in the shower. I let my brownish, black hair falls down my back and applied minimum make up to my face.

I simple dressed myself in a white pants that reached above my ankle and a rose pink cute blouse. I wear a pair of white stilettos and grabbed my white purse before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning everyone" I greeted as I took my seat around the dinning table.

"Good morning sweetheart" mom and dad greeted simultaneously.

"Morning Clairey" Clinton greeted with a full mouth.

"Good morning Clarissa, here's your breakfast" Marget said handing me a plate with egg omelets, toast and bacon with a cup coffee.

"Thanks Marget" I said with a smile.

As soon as the food touched my taste bud, I remember how much I missed Marget cooking and how bless I am to be back home. She have been the house maid since I was nine years old and I think she's the best, she's good at everything she does and my dad never have a problem with her work.

"So sunshine where are you heading today?" My dad asked looking over at me.

"Just going to visit the city" I lied, if I tell him the real reason, he will try to stop me and talk me out of it.

Not happening.

"Ok but starting tomorrow, you'll come to the company and start training.... you're old man isn't getting any younger and I know you'll do a better job than I'm doing to save the company" he said chuckling but I could hear the melcolony feeling in his voice.

"Dad... stop worrying we will not loose the company or our home and you have been a good owner to the company dad.... I promise you won't loose it" I said with so much confident but I am not sure how I will convince Diego not to take my dad's properties.

I finished my breakfast, said my goodbyes and head out on my early mission.


"Fire them all, what kind of nonsense is this!" I roared, throwing the unprepared documents at Chris.

My day was already going bad and now these employees choose to make it more that is is. I've been trying so damn hard to seal this deal with the Xiang company and I can't tolerate these lazy employees to mess it up.

"But sir, if we fire them all, we won't have any employees in that department" Chris quivering voice said.

"Then hire new once" I frastratedly through my hands on the air and sit back in my chair.

"But sir---

"You better leave this minutes before joining the batch" I warned in a dangerously low voice.

He gasped at my words before scribbling up the scattered documents and bolt through the door. I need to prepare these designs to show Mr Xiang later at our dinner meeting. He want to build a few hotel in New York and I want the contract for them all.

He's a well respected man with many successful businesses at his hands in Japan. If he accept for my company to be incharge of building his hotels, it'll be a huge success to my company plus excellent financial growth.

For a man that's wealthy as I am, I don't mine getting more wealth. Money can't be enough for me, nothing is more to me like wealth.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose while staring at my laptop on the desk. Sealing this deal will make my father be happy in his grave and I need nothing to get in the way of that.

"Excuse me!" The voice of Chris outside, broke my thoughts.

"Miss you can't go in there, president is busy!" This time his voice was more louder and it got me wondering what the hell is going on out there.

Just in the midst of my thoughts the door abruptly pushed open and a beautiful imaging captivate my sight. My eyes took in every inch of her body, her tall brownish, black hair that's falls down her back, her beautiful caramel skin down to her petite body then I realised how familiar she looks.

Her face held a annoyed expression as she walked closer to my desk, right there, I snapped myself from admiring her and puts on my cold expression. How dare she barged into my office like this?

"Miss you can't..... Chris ran in trying to catch his breath.

"Chris what kind of nonsense is this?" I asked gripping the desk tightly while eyeing the intruder.

"Sir I tried to---

"Good morning Diego, I'm here to talk business with you" she said rudely cutting Chris off.

"And who the hell are you to barged into my office like this?" I gruffed rising on my feet.

She grimaced, walking up to me.... challenging me with her stare. She stopped inches away before our face meet and spoke.

"Clarissa Messam and we need to talk" she said seriously.

I grinned mischievously, feeling satisfied that my money will be delivering to me right now. I wonder why Mr Messam didn't return it himself. I waved Chris off with my hands, dismissing him.

"You may have a seat" I point to the chair while taking my seat.

Another update and please enjoy.

So Mr Arrogant and Miss Nuisance now meets, what will be the out comes?

Stick around until next chapter update, sure you will love it.

My updates won't be frequent like it always because I'm now working which takes up a lot of my time but I still will make time for my readers.

Until next chapter BYE

Oh!!! Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT.


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