Chapter 105: Essential Plan

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Gene's plan only came to Genesia ten days before the present time of the new year. His mind had been pondering over things, losing sleep, not that he ever slept well with his impulsive insomnia.

Genesia had returned to Kumbaktu from his introductory campaigns and immediately requested for Ramela to meet him in the same temple that he had woken up in originally, where his freezing cold tomb-tank was located.

First, Genesia looked at himself in the mirror, reflecting inside his mind. Genesia saw Gene staring right back at him in the darkness while he crafted blue fire on his hand. From October to January, he and The Knights of Gene, Captain Brehnt and Captain Haanah, along with their armies, had managed to fend off hit and run attacks from the West.

They were feints, tests and teasers, planned by Mambo Musa to feel the beats of warfare. They were mocking games by Primary Prince Ramoth to assess the manner in which he would eventually unleash all of his hellfire and laughter.

Genesia heard of Neosa frequently, along with Admiral Ayanda and Emperor Ehit, The Numbers of Neo and their armies.

He did not see her. He never saw his twin. Nor did he sense or feel her, but she was there, waiting, growing in power and popularity. In fact, she was more popular and famous than him, more loved, more adored and admired.

The One Neo, she was called.

Genesia felt a mixture of envy and admiration for his rival, his soul mate, just as he waited for their eventual confrontation, their eventual reunion, where he would find a way to set her free from Ramoth by force.

Keng' Neosa? He asked what was wrong with her. Stop stalling, you're the attacker and I'm the defender, that's how we've always fought. What are you waiting for? Come out and play the real game of Kings. Unless I have to make the first move. In that case...

Genesia studied. Piles of books and papers were littered and built across his room to where he was drowning in notes. He preferred to have everything messy and spread out when he studied.

Think, think, think. Genesia narrowed his eyes like his gaze would crack the mirror. Okay. Let's run over this again from the start.

In someone else's story, I will always be the villain. Ha,eh, I've always been the villain. Metronians have always viewed our people as villains because of Ra. Now here I am, on the side of the villains, serving under the greatest villain of all time, protecting these villainous people, through Ramela and Ramiya.

Genesia cracked his fingers while Gene walked through large mists internally, using his blue fire to pave the way, even though his Racaan eyes could see perfectly in the dark.

Why did I choose to be the black saber tooth tiger of the Racaans? Gene sucked his teeth. Why did Neosa and I have the freedom to choose our spiritual animals unlike everyone else?

If everyone else had their fates sealed from the beginning, then was our fates also sealed in the same way except delayed? Then again, we are late bloomers, very late, since our first Impulse dream was at ten when most have theirs at three to four to five.

Gene stopped. Papa named me Genesia. Mama named her Neosa. Were we always destined to be different? Why was I born more different? Why was I the only one that questioned my place, my identity and my standing in the world compared to everyone else?

Genesia walked in the opposite direction of Gene internally. Why is it that I continuously question who and what I am? Why am I always indecisive? Why do I always fluctuate like an undefined shape? Why is it that Neo has always known who and what she is even before she chose to be the white saber tooth tiger at the same time as me?

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