Chapter 144: Wheeling

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Koning Kaikara took a break from his strenuous travel when he spotted Gabrielle's log cabin. He remembered back when he helped build the cabin, hacking wood from the forest for Imcke to put her carpenter skills to good use when she designed the structure from scratch, and for V to paste moss in the small gaps, keeping the home insulated. 

Imcke described the cabin as their neutral safehouse, if they ever needed a suitable, isolated place to crash. It was the perfect refuge between the South and North of Kimba.

Kaikara noticed that the traveling Staris clan were settling in the area for the time being until their moving village relocated elsewhere again. He was going to train with them religiously. Stamina alone could only get him so far. Kaikara needed additions. Concrete reinforcements.

On that thought, he looked behind him, seeing nothing but a heavy downpour of snow wrapping him in a hug, like Imcke would. He saw snowflakes landing delicately on the snow-covered trees. Lattice patterns adorned the branches, and in them, he could only see the snowflake tattoo on Imcke's left cheek, her personal tribute to Kaili.

Kaikara lowered his head and traced four distinct starfish shapes with his greatsword. Memories of him, Imcke, V and Gabrielle poured in like finely aged liquor. He remembered V and Imcke making starfishes in the snow as he and Gabrielle sat together on stools, sharing steaming mugs of chocolate tea, watching them, just watching.

V and Gabrielle would sing duets in their native tongues. Imcke and Kaikara would find themselves being swept away by the tunes.

The world around him seemed to slow in its motion. The wind didn't make a sound. Something terrible had happened. Something terrible was happening. He tied SmoKing back onto his back, going after the poignant source of his fear. His suspicions were confirmed as soon as he stepped inside and made his way to Gabrielle's bedroom.

"Pardon me, Mam."

Minaleese was there, holding Gabrielle's hand. She looked up at Kaikara and showed him an inviting smile that...

How could a woman feel so cold on the outside yet exhibit so much warm hospitality at the same time?

"Kai?" Gabrielle squeaked, holding out a brittle hand as if he was on his deathbed.

Kaikara kneeled by his friend's side and held his hand. His eyes searched him, afraid, terribly afraid.

Gabrielle was pale. Deathly pale, covered in layers upon layers of blankets. His lips were discoloured. His skin looked more transparent than solid, like see-through glass, as if he didn't belong in the living world and was being summoned to the world of slumber by Archangel Gabriel.

There was only one conclusion. "Kakara died?" He looked up, finding Minaleese's face. Her body language looked composed. It was her eyes that betrayed her. Warm eyes that were hallways to the despondent soul.

"It is part of her transformation with my niece," Minaleese said in her breathy accent, trying her best to remain steady. "If I had to guess, she'll be dead for six days and will only come back to life on the seventh day. At least, that is what I hope."

Minaleese wiped the cold sweat from Gabrielle's forehead. His skin was ice-cold, even colder than Minaleese's skin.

Gabrielle, sensing Kaikara's worry, gave him a sugary smile. "This is nothing, Kai, just after effects. I'm not going anywhere."

"You're vulnerable to attack," Kaikara warned. "Palé, Raffael, Norne, they could—"

"Not if I am here," Minaleese said, adding coldness to her tone. "I rushed him here from Platoo the second I saw him on the verge of fainting in front of everyone. Peris and Francko are still there. We'll go back as soon as Kakara comes back to life."

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