Chapter 8: One Genesis

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The night was extremely painful. The rain continued to pour heavily on the outside like rocks. The twins and their father made their way back inside the little cave for shelter once the two had calmed down, somewhat.

Genesia and Neosa had no recollection of how long they were in the rain for. Time became irrelevant as all that plagued their minds was the drowning sorrow that filled their rib cages, caging them in like animals of anguish.

They wondered, how long was Papa standing there in the rain? How many long, dragged out hours?

Regardless, the atmosphere of despair was thick in the air. They lumbered back into the inside of the cave. The weather conditions didn't help much as Genesia and Neosa shivered immensely, with their heads bowed down, being led by Renero with his hands on their shoulders.

"Don't worry, I'll start up a fire for you," Renero said.

On that note.

Where are we? Genesia pondered the question ever since they woke up. All he knew was that they were on some high top mountain or something, with this cave as their only shelter.

Neosa shivered, her arms covered her little body as much as she could.

The three sat down in the middle of the cave, where there was still some visible light from the outside. Renero had already gathered some wood.

Genesia looked around the cave to see several stones that they could use to ignite the fire.

"Ema, can you also do that crafting thing?" Neosa looked up inquisitively at her father with big eyes.

"Oh, ah, don't worry about that." With a small breath, Renero snapped his fingers in a downward motion towards the wood, producing a live fire.

"Yoah," Genesia and Neosa both stared at the fire in amazement. They instantly crawled closer to it, stretching out their hands to feel its warmth from the cold.

"Hehe, of course you'd know how to do this stuff neh Papa?" Neosa said, smiling faintly at her father to which he returned by joining them, sitting down on the opposite side of the fire.

"Ah, well, you know me. Well... I mean, you don't know me. Yet anyways, but, mmm, this was nothing. Just a little snap action and viola!" He gestured, animating his hands in a wondrous movement at the newly created fire to which the twins could only stare at him with raised eyebrows and blinking eyes.

"Voila? Keng' sose?" Neosa asked in their tongue. "Is that something in one of those other weird languages? Frech or something?" Neosa asked.

Genesia also wondered as to what the strange foreign phrase was. "Do you mean violin? As in the instrument? Can you maybe craft music like that too?"

Renero scoffed at the onslaught of questions his children had launched on him just from one word. Hayi, how am I even going to begin explaining things to them when they're already asking so many questions about something as minuscule as voila?

Renero could only lightly chuckle. It sounded strange, but hearing their father's chuckle had a contagious effect on them as they too began chuckling along with him, easing up a little bit as well. Or was that because of the hot fire?

Either way, it's not as though any of them said a joke or anything funny of the sort in genuinely not knowing what "voila" was, but there was something about Renero's chuckle that just made them want to laugh. Like getting to laugh and experience funny things when they weren't even funny in the first place.

"Hayi, I've got a lot of stuff to explain eh?" Upon saying those words, Renero lowered his head slightly, thinking of where to exactly start with these two.

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