Chapter 25: Air

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I can't breathe!

My breathing is gone!

I need air!

I need oxygen!

How can I get air when you're not there?

How can I get oxygen when you're not here?

How can I live when you're not there?

How can I survive when you're not here?

I need you there.

I need you here.

Come back to me.

Return to me.

Look for me.

Search for me.

Inhale with me.

Exhale with me.

Breathe with me.



I beg you.



"Gapê!" Again! Renero yelled in Raraac, gritting the "G" in a guttural sound.

Genesia and Neosa were once again sent flying from their father's unyielding switch from defense to offense. Both had approached him in opposite directions, Neosa from the front and Genesia from the back in an attempt to catch him off guard. Unfortunately, this tactic of theirs was seen from a mile away as Renero ducked in a fluid motion like water and pushed them back with a pressured force.

The twins maneuvered themselves in the air with backflips to dissipate their speed and land back down onto the slippery, muddy ground, skidding off it with their bare feet.

Eish! It's the same every time. Tsek man! Neosa groaned in frustration, her brows frowning in impatience, itching to launch herself with no second thought right back at Renero.

Her smilodon patterned wrap around mini skirt and crop top with one side off her left shoulder rippled with the smacking squall that came with the drenching thunderstorm that they were in.

Hayi, the hell are we doing wrong? Or is he just doing everything right? What even is the right thing to do? The right way to fight? We've been trying out every possible thing we can think of and still haven't been able to really harm him. Is he even fighting at full strength? I swear if he's holding back on us...

Genesia frowned in deep thought, analyzing the situation before making a move against Renero. His smilodon fur pelt that draped around his waist secured by a black waist sash was practically a sponge in the harsh weather in its absorption of the falling rain.

The winds wailed at them and the rain poured in it's descent. The rolls of thunder never let up, and neither did the twins in trying to take their father down in the dark overcast.


Earlier in the day, Renero had suggested that they fight under such conditions in the unrelenting storm. This wasn't much of an issue for the Racaans, as they adjusted accordingly with a transparent layer to help clean and protect their eyes against the rain.

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