Chapter 89: Starred Raven

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At first, there was nothing, then, there was something that vanquished the nothingness into whiteness. All was colourless, lifeless, seamless, immensely hopeless.

The universe was full of stars that shot and rained like swords and arrows, crushing wishes, killing aspirations and destroying dreams.

The galactic oceans swirled like white clouds of gas and smoke that blew all planets away, rendering the universe to be barren, bearing no fruit, or soil for germinating seeds that stemmed from the sea of planets.

Except one pair that could be seen.

Just one starry pair of mystifying green eyes.

That caused her to grow in green from the burying mountains of white snow that sucked her down to unfathomable lows. Low and behold for the bell tolled her descension into the coldest of voids that she could not avoid.

She escaped the darkness, but the force of the light held her hostage.

It blinded her.

It froze her.

It engulfed her.

It overwhelmed her.

It conquered her.

Leaving her with no choice, but to be crushed to death, to break the crystal of life.

So that when she broke free from the darkness of death, she could rule over it.

By being the dictator of life.


Amidst the cries of white noise, came the ringing chorus of vibrating voices.

"Kakara! Kakara!"

Her skin felt like it was getting torn apart, it seared and burned, awfully. Actually, she didn't have any skin. She was a skeleton, a non-existent body of white bone, like steel and ice, frosted and sealed tight, trapped in a snowglobe like a diamond in the rough.

W-what's happening? Who's...

"Oh la vache, you're so strong!"

I'm... what?

One voice kept echoing in her skull, a sweet voice, a cute voice, a good voice, a... she felt like she knew the voice. What was it? Who was it? And what was she?

"Look Kakara! The Yumboes are here!"

Who the hell is...

This wasn't just amnesia, this was flashing into existence from the strike of light that came from a thunderstorm, bellowing down in the form of a raining hailstorm.

"Allez Kakara! Hurry! Before they fly away again!"

Fly? Wait, hold on...

She was flying. She had wings. Black wings. Were those her own that came from her star winged raven tattoo? Or from the legendary winged bird of lightning that electrocuted her like an execution?


Kakara? That's... that's my name.

She was starting to remember, slowly, her sense of self flowed inside her like an avalanche, containing her memories.

"You won't... you'll never fly away from me, will you?"


"You'll... you'll never forget me will you?"


A pathway opened up for her, a wall of ice, and she saw him, on the other side of the wall. She remembered the echoing voice. Her first friend. Her first brother. Her first love.

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