Chapter 149: Book of Identities

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Gene said, it's time for some revelations. Which led to Neo saying that the period for overdue confessions had arrived.

Neosa stood on her twin's lofty physique, wrapping her arms around her musculature. Genesia crossed his toned legs and sat atop the cobra's tongue of Ramela's hot airship like a folded lotus.

Nightfall brought a wintry temperature to the Sinine desert. The rolling dunes were carpeted with snow like sprinkles of salt, rippling as if reacting to a shower of hailstones. The frigid mountains of sand imitated the endless gloom of the navy sky devoid of clouds and stars. Only the crescent moon carved its invasion of illumination through the unsubmissive fleet of darkness.

The lioness fashioned airship sailed evenly across the sky like it was waltzing through the stretching expanse of grass without trouble. The cold wind combed Neosa's springy curls of voluminous hair that spiralled over her shoulders. Barbēr's doing.

On Genesia's side, Bārber had cleanly trimmed his beard and nourished his cascading hair, making the texture of his black locs rope-like with loose wavy ends that coasted with the current. Their saber-tooth charm necklaces glistered in the dark.

Renero, Ramsis, Ramela, Ramoth, Ramiya and Musa were all present on the airship, sitting on a reed mat, overlooking the harsh terrain.

Ramela purposely seated herself right next to Renero in an attempt to make idle small talk and get to know more about him on a personal level. She spoke to him in Raraac only, to which Renero reciprocated with an impressed smile on his face. Ramoth laid on his carpet that hovered to Renero's left. Occasionally he would exchange jokes that could only be appreciated in Raraac which made Renero chuckle.

Ramiya and Musa sat across from him, to which they asked him questions that pertained to his rituals, be it prayers, meditative practices or quirks unique to him. For example, Ramiya liked to spend her free time working in gardens and dairy farms. Musa enjoyed going on walks wherever he fancied. Renero explained his tendency to travel up high plateaus by himself, either to sit down like his son and admire the view below him, or to stand upright like his daughter and stare above him.

Ramsis did not partake in any of the conversations. He registered all that was said with a deadpan expression. He noticed Musa and Ramiya eyeing him encouragingly to dispel the things that lurked in his mind. Ramsis communicated his unwillingness to speak unless he deemed it important to the matter at hand by motioning for Genesia and Neosa to voice their findings.

All talk ceased after that. Genesia turned his body around to face them. Neosa did the same, digging her toes into his built shoulders for balance. Her eyebrows arrested her expression in a locked glower, whereas Genesia's deeply entrenched scowl made him look like a steely navigator who had stumbled upon troubled waters in his travels.

Ramoth's playful demeanour plummeted when he met Neosa's dilated pupils that consumed her honey-brown eyes like a solar eclipse.

"This is about Him, isn't it?" He whispered, looking conspicuously as if it was just the two of them about to share a horror story.

Neosa slid her fingers through the stretching ringlets of her black hair. "Chiefly, yes."

"Pharaoh?" Ramela took her eyes away from Renero and stiffened when she saw Genesia's pupils constricting, overshadowed by his cinnamon-brown eyes like a lunar eclipse, reminiscent of a blood moon.

"That's not his name. At least not his true name. The only Pharaoh that exists in this world is you, the first and last Prime Pharaoh," Genesia said lightly.

That statement caused her to visibly relax, catching Ramsis's attention. He glanced at Renero before fixing his gaze back at the Tenacious Twins.

"Neo says that everything and everyone in this world has a twin of some kind. And those twins complement and contradict each other in multifaceted directions. Two parts of a single whole. A Two For One special, as Papa termed it," Neosa explained with a brief smirk at her father before her lips flattened to a firm line.

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