Chapter 3: New Beginnings

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Lauren got out of the car, looking around. It seemed like a quiet, good neighborhood. All of the houses in the neighborhood were decorated with Christmas lights or with Christmas figures, something she was not accustomed to see. There was a park nearby, according to the sales person who had sold them the house. This was the new house that they were moving into. It was a two story, cream colored house. There were many plants in the front garden, mostly red roses and daisies. If it was one thing she liked, it was flowers. A few minutes after she got out of the car, she saw the u-haul truck approach the house. Everything that had been her childhood was in that truck. Her father was holding the keys to their new home in his hand. He approached the door and used the key to open the door.  

"Go check out your room," he said. "It's the one upstairs at the end of the staircase. It's empty but it will soon be filled with your stuff." 

"Thanks, Dad." Lauren replied.  

She didn't want to admit it but it was sort of exciting that she was going to walk into her new room. She walked up the stairs, taking it slow, bracing herself for the new place that would be her haven. Emptiness would greet her for the time being, but that would change with time. When she got to the door, she placed her hand on the cold door knob, and turned it. As soon as she had opened the door, she could tell that this room had belonged to a girl. The light was still off but the smell of perfume lingered in the room. Lauren looked for the light switch and when she found it, she flipped the switch on. She looked over to the window. The first thing that came to her mind was the view. All she wanted to do was find out whether she could see the moon or not. She went over to the window and opened it. The moon stared at her with a gentle look on her face. Relief overcame Lauren once she saw the moon. The moon didn't talk but she had learned that she was a great listener. With all the excitement of the moon, she hadn't realized that there was a room across from hers. There was light coming from it. She could not tell if the person in there was a guy or a girl. But there was no time to investigate since it was late at night. She would wait until tomorrow. She was too tired to do anything, and if she had to, she would sleep on the floor. Luckily, Lauren's mother, Cindy, came inside the room and gave her daughter two blankets. Lauren was used to sleeping on the floor and there was no problem with that. All she had to do was use the thicker blanket as the one to sleep on and the less thick one as her actual cover. Before Lauren actually went to sleep, she went to say good night to the moon. This was her ritual, part of her tradition and no matter where she went, or where she was, she would stay true to it. 


Next day, Lauren woke up at seven o'clock. Her parents were already awake and the furniture was being moved into the house. She heard her mom giving the two workers instructions on where to put the couch. Poor workers, she thought, Mom is really indecisive. She wants it there one second and then the next she wants it on the other side of the room. She was so used to being in Santa Barbara that she was going to go to the closet to change, when she realized that there was nothing there. Throwing the blanket to the side, Lauren got up with a jump and went downstairs. The living room was coming up fine. It was almost done actually. The hard stuff would come when all of the furniture had to go upstairs. Seeing that there was nothing she could do to help, Lauren went outside for a walk.  

Her attention was to the house next to hers. The house seemed empty, but she knew that it wasn't because there was a car out in the driveway. All she could do was wonder about who lived there and if they were going to come and try to meet them. But there was no time for that now. Her mission was to find the park that had been announced on the ads for the house.  

There was no need to walk very far to find the park for it was only a few blocks away. The first thing that Lauren noticed was that there were so many trees. There were so many people as well. All she could see were families playing in the park or having picnics. It was a really pretty sight. She decided to walk through the park for a while. On the other side of the park, she saw a couple. All she could do was stare. That couple brought back memories but it also brought back betrayal. "Don't do this to yourself, Lauren. Relationships shouldn't be painful. Every relationship should make you feel happiness, not pain. They are not those people who hurt you. So stop doing this to yourself. Love is a wonderful thing to experience when everyone agrees with the other. You've got to let it go now. Be happy with what you have now. There's a time amd place for everything." 

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