Chapter 47: Christmas

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Everyone was reunited downstairs. The Christmas tree was full of ornaments. There were spheres and angels and mini snow globes. There were multi colored bows and bead candy canes. On the tip of the tree, instead of having a star on top, there was an angel.  

Under the tree, there were many boxes. It was a sign that Christmas day was truly here. The anticipation of opening the gifts they had grew as they kept looking. Of course, breakfast was always first. Laura would never let them open any gifts before they had breakfast. It was the only rule that she had on Christmas. 

After that, there was really nothing else. After breakfast had been eaten, they each washed their dishes and placed them perfectly on the shelves. Their anticipation was growing and there was really no way to stop it from getting bigger than they were. 

Landon couldn't get Lauren's present off of his mind. He had gotten her a ring. It was one of those diamond rings that they advertised on tv as cheap but that had the same exact properties of a real diamond. He knew it was cheap, but it was all he could think about giving her. He was truly bad at picking out gifts for people and he completely shut down when it came to that. For his mother, he had also gotten a ring from the same offer as Lauren's but it was a whole different design all together. And for Lance he had gotten a poster of his favorite quarterback ever. Well, Lauren had helped him find it because he by himself couldn't. It was a poster of Tom Brady. It had his name on it and his signature on it. 

Lance loved football, and the New England Patriots were his all time favorite football team. He thought that Tom Brady wasn't really that good, but he was the best quarterback ever to his brother. So the least he could do was get him a poster of the guy. He also got another poster with the whole team on it. It was a two for one special so he got them both. 

Amazing things can happen sometimes. 

They all went out to the living room. Landon followed Lauren to the living room and he sat down on the floor carefully, making sure not to fall on top of anybody and making sure that he wouldn't hurt himself either. Once they were all seated, the opening of gifts began. 

They practically forced Laura to go first. She took the smallest gift out of all of them and inspected the label on the box. To Mom, from Landon. "Landon," she said as she took the wrapping paper off the box, "what on Earth did you get me?" 

When she opened the box, she saw a wonderful ring. The whole ring was surrounded by diamonds. They sparkled even in the dim light of the room. She wore it on her finger, admiring its beauty. Then she turned to Landon and hugged him. "Thank you so much, sweetie. I absolutely love it. And I am very glad that you didn't spend a fortune on this." 

"Mom," he whined, "you didn't have to mention the price and whatnot." 

Laura laughed. "Sorry, honey. Well, let's go on to the next gift, which is also from Landon." she said surprised. 

She opened it and she saw a picture of her and Liam. Her eyes immediately filled up with tears. She was left speechless. Where had Landon gotten this? 

"Dad gave it to me before the accident," he explained. "He told me to give it to you at a later time, that I would know when to give it to you. I didn't understand then but I understood it now." 

"Landon..." she couldn't finish. She just hugged him and brought him close to her. This was what she had needed. It was just the right moment. She had always wondered about Landon's ability to know just what she needed at a certain time. It was the same ability that Liam had had. Everything about Landon reminded her of Liam. It was something she couldn't quite explain. She wiped her tears from her cheeks, and then went to open Lance's present. 

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