Chapter 28: Good Morning

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The next morning, Lauren woke up and Landon was still sleeping. She looked at the clock and it was six a.m. Landon was usually up by this time. But instead he was still sleeping.

She got out of the bed as quietly as she could and she walked out of the room. She went to the kitchen and she made pancakes, enough for everyone to eat at least three when they came downstairs to eat breakfast.

After that, she went to the living room. There was still a few hours before everyone woke up. Well, Landon was usually up by seven, everyone else was up either by eight o'clock or eight fifteen and the latest was eight thirty.

She sat down on the couch and she brought her knees up to her chest and she hugged them to her chest. Her thoughts immediately went back to the day before. She still felt the tingles on her forehead where Landon kissed her. It seemed impossible that it had happened only the day before. It seemed like a dream.

Then there was the whole situation with the hand holding. She had to admit that when Landon was holding her hand, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. In fact, it had made her feel super comfortable. It felt natural to her. Her mind went back to the moment in the restaurant when they were about to sit down. It wasn't until then that they both realized that they were still holding hands. Does that mean anything? she thought.

She shook the thought away and instead focused on the day before. It had been the most fun she had had in a while. There was something that told her that the walls she surrounded her heart in were getting weaker and weaker with each passing moment that she spent with Landon.

The way that she felt when she looked at him and she made eye contact with him was something she couldn't explain. It was true that he was blind, but in those moments it felt like he could see right through her. Maybe it was a little cliché, but it was the truth. There was really no other way she could explain everything.

He was different, she thought. And it wasn't only because he was blind. It was because she felt that he actually cared.

Her thoughts suddenly went to her mother. It had been a while since she had left to come here. She had honestly been surprised that she had taken such drastic measures, but her mother had hurt her. How dare she try to manipulate Lance? How dare she say that Lauren was agreeing with everything that she had said about Landon? It was something that a mother should never do. In all reality, she had expected her dad to react like the way her mother was reacting. But it was the complete opposite and she just couldn't understand how it was that this happened.

She wan't going to lie. She missed her house, the comfort of her room, the good mornings from her dad. She missed painting, most of all. But she needed more time to sort everything out. She needed more time to get rid of the anger that she felt towards her mother right now at the moment.

Lauren was deep in thought that she didn't hear Landon coming down the stairs. He walked over to the kitchen and immediately smelled the pancakes. He grabbed one just like that and walked over to the living room where Lauren was.

"Lauren?" he asked as the faint smell of paint reached his nostrils.

Lauren looked up at him. "Yeah?"

"May I sit?"

"Of course, go ahead."

Landon sat down and then turned his head to where her voice had come from. "What are you thinking about?"


"You don't have to lie to me. You can tell me."

Lauren sighed. "I'm thinking that I miss my house.'

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