still drawn.

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Empty. Numb.

The only emotion swirling around and through me. The resentment Alaricus had towards me was unmistakable, I had for the first time done what I wanted, not listening to him.

Yet, he was no saint too, and he knew that, together we both had decided to manipulate her father, manipulate her mother, manipulate the whole fucking family.

"Please talk to me," I murmured.

Silence once again. I had done the worst and I knew it, unreasonable stupid blatant error, that couldn't be fixed, I had lost her forever, no matter how close she was.

I remember that same day we got back home, I couldn't help but the tears fell that very day.


I watched as she graciously stepped out of the car, her eyes lost, mentally she wasn't even here, I had ruined her, but in physical appearance she still looked nearly unbothered.

I was a step behind, and I had to ask.
"I have lost you forever haven't I?" I didn't care if anyone else heard, I couldn't even believe myself, that I thought that what I did would be a great plan, forgetting about the aftermath.

Surprisingly she stopped on her track as we got inside, before lifting her tired eyes to match my scarlet ones, I heard every breath she softly exhaled to calm her anger, I heard every exhale, and every sigh as she opened her beautiful lips to condemn me.

"It's funny," she started and I braced myself for the worst. "I should absolutely detest your entire being, but still I can't help it, that I still feel drawn to you, you're not only a beast physically, but a ugly monster at heart Kingston, and I'll continue to pray that I don't fallback to you," she said and with every word-- the bitterness in every word hit my heart, my very soul and that was the moment I knew Alaricus was quiet.

This would affect my entire rule, and would make me weak if I and my wolf weren't on the same side, but of course I put this upon myself and the only way to get together with Alaricus was to get Vedika to love me again, because what's a wolf without his mate?


"Good Lord even from miles away you stink," I heard Ivan say.

I finally let go of the the whiskey in my hand, to turn to him.

"The more you settle and relax, the more you get weaker, the more it affects your rule, our people probably are feeling it, and their fear might radiate enough for a rogue to know, this is dangerous,"

"Don't teach me my fucking duties," I grumbled.

"Look Alpha, other than your fucking beta I'm your best friend and cousin, I don't even have any idea why we did what we did but it was all your order okay? But now we need to fight for her back, the neat way, no manipulation involved, do you know how fucking toxic we are?" His voice rose but one look at him was enough to make him realize his mistake.

"Emma- she loves me, it wasn't just the matebond and my stupid ass manipulated her, telling her to sacrifice one, me someone who she just met when? And her best friend for a long time. And she chose me, she wants to be angry with me, but- but the fucking matebond won't let her, she- I don't want to force anything on her, I have begged her for my forgiveness, she said she has forgiven me but deep inside I know it's just the stupid matebond, her heart still hurts, she fucking betrayed her best friend Alpha," he ranted out, he too was also going through a rough time, but Ivan could mask his emotions and soak everything in, sometimes I wonder how he wasn't the Alpha instead.

"What should I do?" I asked, but as calm as I looked he knew too well how desperate I was, I would do anything she told me to, even giving up my reign.

"Perhaps to start from what I did, beg her, be naked in front of her, and stop giving her the stupid intimidating energy you give off to everyone, let her see who you really are, what you really feel," he said in all sincerity.

"I can literally feel the hatred and bitterness she feels Ivan, I don't think that could work, it'll all just make it worse like I'm guilt tripping her and that's all on the mate bond," I clarified.

"Start from somewhere Alpha," he said as he got up from the sofa. "Look the main reason why I'm here is to let you know that our parents will be here tomorrow," he said and my eyes broadened in shock.

"I know right? I told you, it's already affecting us, we know something is not right and perhaps they're already feeling it too, that's why they're coming, you need to get Vedika back as soon as possible, but that's not the only thing Kingston, before the rogues know what is happening, you need to get the Alpharius Blood from you know who," he said sternly before heading out.


My finger drew wider, making the band expand as I put my hair in between, making a neat bun, I turn to the very quiet Tabby, who was busy making my bed.

"I don't want to have breakfast in bed today," I announced, making her look up at me in fright, like I had gone crazy.

Oh actually yes I am crazy.

"Um I'm sorry but- but I don't think Sir would like that," she said softly.

"Sir or Alpha?" I asked before chuckling. "Anyways why would he object to it?"

"We're having important guests today," she answered before using the rag on her hand to clean my study desk.

I was quiet for a whole minute, observing her, Aunt Tabby and I's relationship wasn't the same anymore for clear reasons, but somehow it hurt so much how distant we've gotten.

I don't hate her, hell I don't know why but I don't hate anyone of them either, I hate their betrayal, the path they chose, I hate-

"Why are you all formal on me now Tabby?" I teased, trying to lightening the awkward tension.

"I can't help it, it's how I ought to relate with you," she replied tilting her head.

"Oh," and it all fell back to the awkwardness.

"He is a fool," she started. "He made the worst mistake, but that's not who we are," her croaked voice caught me off guard, she was tearing up, her eyes filled with clouding emotions.

"That's not who he is, but the circumstances- he- he wasn't reasoning- please- but please- I'm selfish, toxic and utterly immature to say that but please my dear, he is ruined without you, hear him out please, I beg of you, there's alot you don't understand, it's crazy, a type of madness that happens, just please hear him out please," she was a sobbing mess in front of me, I did not just see the chef in this house break down in front of me.

Realizing I also shed a cinematic tear, the droplets pulling me from my thoughts, I ran to my dearest Tabby, pulling her into my embrace as we both shed our eyes out.

At that very moment, I realized- I realized I had no single hate for these people no matter what they did, I felt connected to them in some sick way, or maybe really I was sick and I really just didn't know it, the only hatred I felt was what he- the one I had chosen to love did to me, he betrayed me and broke my heart to pieces and even still I found myself missing his touch, craving him, it's amazing how I hate him yet crave him this much.

It's purely amazing how I was still drawn to him.

"I'm going down for breakfast Tabby, I don't care what your Alpha says," I concluded as I pulled out.

I was going to get my answers from them, every single one of them.

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they'll get back together soon lol
um thank you so much for sticking around if you are.
I honestly got tired of it but with some genuine feedbacks I knew better than to give up on my story.
love you guys so much.
I would really appreciate your comments, I am a sucker for comments please.

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