anthony and kieran

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Third perspective.

  "On business news today we'll be talking about the rise and fall of certain net worths of your favourite crazy business tycoons. In this special episode, our special guest for tonight will be the richest man in the world but of course not gaining his wealth from the business world,  most will say by luck and some others will say by his hardwork and determination, can we welcome our favorite treasure hunter, the one and only Anthony Andrade."   The host of the show announced as the face of the guest star emerged made the little kid jump on his feet, with a big smile on his face.

"Papa! Papa!" He squealed, making a run to his parents room, where he could find his mother, busy on her laptop.

"Mama, Mama," he called repetitively, making his already anxious mother gasp out of fear.

"Ki baby what is wrong?" She asked out of worry, pausing the zoom tutorial she was in.

"Papa-" the little boy squealed yet again in excitement. "Papa!" He squealed, this time his little hand holding a finger of his mother as he pulled her out of the room back to the living room where he came from.

"Ki!" His mother drawled in exhaustion, but she couldn't refuse him, she knew it would become war plus the constant repetition of words that had her frustrated at times.

"Papa!" He yelled with a big grin showing his few milk teeth as he pointed to the television, his mother finally looked up and understood what her little boy was uttering.

Obviously his father wasn't in town at the moment and she was confused as to where he saw him. She smiled before squatting picking up her little boy into her arms, before sitting on the sofa, her baby on her lap.

"Let's hear what Papa has to say yes?" She said as she tickled him, making him giggle, before he hugged her, his honey eyes becoming teary due to laughter.

"So first question we have for you today is, what is it like being the most richest man in the world for the past two weeks? We've really been checking out that range and it's like you're the one left stuck up there and the rest of these business men keep fighting for the second to third, how does it feel Sir?" The host asked.

Anthony chuckled. "Um I'll say it feels good, I don't know, anyone would feel good, but um yes I got all that through the treasure hunting but at some point I know I've got to join the game of business, which actually is coming right up soon,"  he said just before crossing his legs, releasing his suit jacket a little bit.

"Oh wow that's amazing, it was a big news to the whole world hearing one man found out the greatest treasure of the ancient King of Mali, you do know this inspires people right, what are you going to tell people who want to be like you, adventurous and willing to take the risk to finding great treasures of the world?" The host, which the woman read to be named Colton asked.

"It's one thing to be blunt and another to sugar-coat, but I'd say, are you ready for danger? are you ready to almost get the answer and then fall back like you got absolutely nothing at all? Are you ready to have enemies? Are you ready for constant fallback of your health, mentally, physically and all of that, if you are, then it's a good time to start your dream," her companion answered.

"Hmm absolutely terrifying if you ask me, okay so for the topic of today we'll be looking at those under your name," Colton said laughing. "But we won't be looking at the top 10, we're going after the 10, what do say about the names you see below?" He asked.

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