his father.

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The horrid chirping of birds gave my eardrums a hard time relaxing, alerting my whole being as my eyelids opened finally, the beeping of an appliance had me confused. Abruptly, I sat up.

Where was I?


How? and why?

"Vedika," Startled, I gasped, almost falling off at the voice that called me. I was most definitely dreaming.

Still, with broadened eyes, I stared at him, I could also hear how hard my heart pounded, my eyes on his honey which I missed more than anything stared back, I gulped.

I shut my eyes again, hoping it was one of those days I saw someone who resembled him, or one of those days I got drunk and I talked to space, hoping he was there listening.

He was still there.

A grimace formed on my face, what trickery was this? But his eyes- my good Lord, those eyes still stared at me, with a constant message I never failed to understand, the love, like I was all he cared about, like there was no one else to care about.

Feeling the need to get up, I looked away, giving a warning to my brain to stop playing these games with me. To prove myself that it's all a dream, I have to touch him.

My feet hit the cold tile, immediately I felt a firm hold on my arm, I dazed out again, this time my heart beating wildly, he touched me.

Kingston- My Kingston?

"Kingston?" I let out, speaking out for the first time.

I gazed into his eyes again and found them watered, but with an emotion that screamed admiration and satisfaction.

He nodded, but helped get my feet back on the bed.

"How- How are you? You---" a simple word. I couldn't phrase a simple word.

My eyes reached for his chin, freshly shaved and he smelt the same, and it all still had the same effect on me.

Like orchids after rain.

I realized the feel of my touch on him, made his lips part slightly, he felt it too.

"You're alive." I stated as he laid me back down on the bed, it wasn't a statement I said to him, I said it to myself, digesting it in to my head.

Kingston is alive.

Kingston is alive.

Kingston is alive!?

Suddenly, I stood up again, this time consumed with anger, feeling the hot tears stream down my cheeks, he was startled, but was more flabbergasted when my raging hands met his cheeks.

How dare he!?

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" I yelled out in rage, consumed with different emotions, I was mad, angry, but I was overjoyed, I felt hatred for his past betrayal, but the big evidence of my ever present love for him accompanied it.

I cried out, hitting his chest, speaking words I myself didn't understand.

"None of this would have happened!" I started, he didn't speak a word than to stare at the best floor.

He was ashamed? He should be.

"None of this would have happened! I loved you! I loved you more than I ever thought I could love anyone Kingston! It was always you!" I said between tears.

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