six months to you.

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six months later.

Third perspective.

"Ki what would you like to have?" She asked her little boy as she ruffled his hair, he celebrated his birthday just three weeks ago making him four years old and gladly his mother was also done with her internship here at Sussex.

She had just picked up her baby from school, but she felt a little tired, clear reason why she decided that they eat out today.

"Mummy, can I have some burger pwease?" He asked as he dropped his little tablet on the table. Finally giving her a little attention since they came into the restaurant.

"Sure my love, but I don't want you messing your shirt, how about we get that as a takeout?" She persuaded.

"Awight," he agreed.

The gossip was around that Anthony Andrade had a girlfriend after some teenager took a picture of the girl in pyjamas taking trash out of their compound, Maeve had no idea of this news, but the stares around already made her so anxious.

Just at the right moment, her phone began to ring. She picked it up as she saw the waiter coming to attend to them.

"Hey umm can I call you later?" She said immediately as she picked.

"No, because I'm coming to get you, things are messed up right now, whatever you do, just don't let people see your face okay?" Her boyfriend said.

"Okay," she said hanging up, her hands shaking already.

"What can I get you ma'am?" The teenager asked her.

"Um one burger takeout and I'd love some Greek salad and cream please," she answered, he left with a small blush on his face, making her wonder why he felt so shy.

"Mummy is papa coming?" her little boy asked as he continued playing his favourite game on his tablet.

"Yes he is sweetie," she replied, pulling her hand out to his hair as she styled it neatly, making him groan, she was interrupting his game, she chuckled.

Her baby was already growing up so fast.

Intently she looked at her boy, her smile disappearing into a grimace, he looked exactly like him-- the one person she has tried so hard to forget about, her Kingston.

Ki's eyes were the same as his father's, he had the same appetite as his father, he ate so much, but still, it never showed in his weight, but his raven hair gave her a reminder that she was also his mother.

But Maeve was scared deep down, she had no idea, if her little boy would have the same genre as his father, she didn't want that, she wasn't ready to even think of that, the loud murmurings of the room, made her snap out of her deep thought.

What was going on?

She looked up, holding her son tightly to herself in case of danger, her eyes found paparazzi following a group of men entering into the restaurant, she sighed in relief, she thought it was something so serious.

It was obvious that this place was a place for the rich, but what was a celebrity doing here, there were better restaurants downtown.

"Mummy look! It's papa!" Her son shrieked, making her look out the restaurant, she saw him in the car, gesturing that they got out fast.

She smiled nervously as she carried her baby in her arm, almost forgetting about their order, she hastily went to their counter right in front of the table the celebrities on suit that came in were sat, she couldn't see their faces as the cameras flashed lights on them, and in fact covered their bodies, surrounding them.

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