behind the seen.

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"Alright guys we'll be moving to the woods now, but be careful and stay close, just in case we see a bear..." Mrs Ash said as she led us, I wasn't even listening so much because here I was, the nature enthusiast, I loved the wildlife here at Southaven.

It was amazing seeing all the different kind of plants I wished to see in reality and to touch, I finally really saw them, especially the Middlemist Red, one of the rarest in the world, under Camellias, can only be found in London and New Zealand but thankfully and very odd I found two growing ones here, it was such an amazing sight.

A growl reached my ears, making me come back to reality. The reality that I was the one here and the rest of the teenagers had left me here.

Oh my God. What if... What if that was the... Bear?

Oh no.

I stood behind a huge tree immediately, my heart beating so fast I could almost hear it, I could also pee on myself right now.

The breaking of sticks and rough low growls got closer, I of course not in my right mind, decided to peep and know what animal that was, immediately I looked I saw the six-foot bear sniffing around.

I was trembling at the moment.

I was about to give a shout and run, only for a hand to close my mouth, I hadn't even realized that I was crying until I tasted the salty tears in my mouth.

My eyes focused on his grey ones as he used his other finger to gesture me to keep silent and follow him, I shook my head "no" being so scared that the bear might see us, dear Lord...

Instead, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me slowly away from the tree to another far behind, making sure we made no sound for it to look at our direction, I held my backpack tighter, as I tried to control my sobbing.

We got to the humongous tree, and then my eyes landed on his, that were already looking at me. "What do you have in your bag?" He whispered. I didn't understand, why would he want anything from my bag.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Do you have anything made of honey in your bag?" He whispered sharply now, I was testing his patience and then I remembered, yes my candies, but what does that...

I nodded immediately and he took my bag and opened the zip slowly, removing over ten of my glorious caramel away, throwing it far away from us.

"Watch," the stranger said, so close to my ear and as much as I didn't want this, I knew I blushed at the closeness.

I followed where his eyes focused on, it was on the brown bear who kept sniffing around, and soon enough it got closer to where my candies where and ravished every single one of them.

Oh my gosh...

We stayed there a couple of minutes more before it left, and I was the first to give a deep sigh of relief.

"They have an incredible sense of smell, it probably smelt us, but a bear would rather get honey first," he started, gazing into my flushed face.

"Why- Why didn't it get us after eating it?" I asked.

"I threw some a little further than where those were," he said lazily.

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