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I tie my shoelace one more time before finally getting out of the car, honestly, I miss mum helping out with this kind of things, I'm the worse shoelace whatever ever.

"Bye Timmy," I said, getting out of the car, I trip on my shoelace again, gosh it's getting annoying.

"Careful, I told you Nike shoes are better than converse," he said chuckling.

"Yeah bye," I retorted sarcastically.

Grumbling curses out, I bend over again to tie it as properly as I can.

"Nah sis, you giving me some of those men back at your castle" Mentally I rolled my eyes at Nicole.

"Hoe" I simply said as I got back up, I heard her chuckle as we both walked into the school environment.

"Mae, are you going to start telling me what Jerry told you?" She asked whining.

"No. Not until you're serious about him" I said sternly.

"Of course I am Mae and you know me better than anyone else" she drawled.

"Yeah right," I simply stated, I was in a sore mood just cause of this footwear.

Nicole rolled her eyes, before scoffing. "Whatever's biting up your ass isn't going to stop me from asking how in fucking hell did you and your guardian kiss, you didn't tell me the deets" she whined like a five-year-old girl, who wants her ice cream.

Yes, I told my friends about what transpired between myself and Mr Kingston, when I say my friends, I mean Nicole, Isaac and Ishar.

Shocked, I know but honestly those guys are super cool and although I've known them for like a week, I just couldn't help but spill, especially with the Kind of shock I was feeling.

I sighed. "It was very unexpected, I don't know, I mean we were talking about his girlfriend then-"

"Wait. Hottie's gotta girlfriend!?" She said, rather too loud, and I hit her arm, she winced.

"Yeah, anyways what was it you wanted to tell me early this morning, jeez I think I prefer Tabby waking me up than you," I said as we got to her locker, I stood behind waiting for her.

"Yes!" She suddenly exclaimed with a frown on getting face making me confused. "Our conversation about Mr hottie isn't over yet but I gotta tell you, your douchebag ex is back"

"Douchebag ex? Last time I checked I'm still dating Dustin come on" I said with disbelief.

"So you're not dumping this guy are you?" Her worried and serious face held mine.

I sighed. "Dustin never did anything, Nicole, I don't understand why you hate him suddenly, I mean get it though, Dustin isn't Liam!" I yelled, defending my boyfriend of three years.

Then I heard her laugh dryly. "Yeah I get it, I freaking get it, you've known everything about me for so long, when I lost Mama, how those idiots treated me, how the streets back there treated me, you know everything, that's why I hated Liam at first sight. I never hated your dear boyfriend, I never did until the day I saw what he did to you, Mae!" She yelled, bringing attention to us, the tears in her eyes betraying her as they fell on her cheeks.

"Diggy started with slapping me, seeing those fingerprints on Emma made me scared too, I'd do anything to protect her if she'd only let me in. Now you, you're blind to it! Today it's just a bruise, what about another day? Aren't you seeing this shit!? Is it because of my environment and experience that I'm the only one seeing it!?"
People from their respective lockers watched the scene, I felt numb.

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