war emerging.

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My aching balled up fists pounded the door once again, we were kept in dungeon just because of my stubbornness of refusing to let them take only my son here, these people were cruel, my Ki was only four. "Help!"

My outcries have been ignored but I felt I had to do something.

Kieran's cries drowned my second attempt at screaming on top of my lungs and that's when I turned around to go attend to my son.

I flopped down on the thin mattress provided for us and reached out for a wailing Kieran.

"It's okay baby, I'm here," I tried to calm him down but that didn't work as he wiggled in my hold.

I wiped his wet face and felt his temperature to being abnormal. The back of my hand frantically touched his forehead, and it was hot.

The last meal we had was when we were free, before Dustin and his men captured us. It's a miracle my baby still had some sort of life in him, disregarding his sluggishness.

"Why?!" I shouted.

Anger was building up in me.

Why hasn't anybody come to our rescue?

Why must we endure such cruelty?

Why did I fall in love with a crazy boy then an Alpha?

I sobbed, looking down at Kieran who was now hiccuping as he slightly shook.

"I'm sorry Ki," I whispered to his ears as I  held onto him tighter.

The door rattled and I snapped my head towards it. Kieran shot his eyes open and squirmed out of my arms.


The witch was still alive.

Vanessa strutted in, dressed as though she was attending a high end fashion show. A smug on her face was evident, regarding Kieran with disgust.

I pulled him closer to me, whilst watching Vanessa approach us.

"How's the service here?" She asked with a grin, "I hope it's fit for a Luna. Wait, you didn't get a chance to walk in those shoes," she cackled.

I wanted to stand up and wring her neck til she couldn't speak anymore but the strength in me wouldn't afford me that.

"You know," her high shoes clicked on the cement as she walked towards the only window, guarded by thick bars, "I don't know what Kingston saw in you. You're just a stupid human," she spat.

"There must've been something I had that you didn't," I mumbled.

Vanessa halted in her catwalk and glared at me. Then scoffed, "Oh! Trust me, if there was he wouldn't have come running back to me."

I didn't care.

"But you should care," Vanessa spoke which took me aback, "I can read your face, always so predictable. That's why it was so easy to break your pretty little heart."

"Kingston is dead!" I lied, "Whatever competition you think you won is invalid."

Vanessa placed her hands on her hips, and shifted her weight to one foot, "This isn't a competition," she seethed, "And even if it was, you would've lost. Kingston loved me, I know that from when we were together. You were just a silly distraction, that's why when I returned he came back to me."

I didn't respond but just looked down at a now sleeping Kieran. His chest moving with his deep breathing.

"All you have left is your bastard son."

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