the endings.

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Third perspective.

Dustin, his new Beta, Beck and Delta, Aron approached the gate, where their pack was already situated, facing Kingston and his own pack, with a familiar hateful stare on his face.

Dustin expression changed, evil glowing in his eyes. He smirked as he got closer, his eyes fixated on his sworn enemy.

"Look at what we got here," Dustin shouted, stopping only a few feet away from the man he wanted to devour. He looked back at his pack, expecting to see desire for the opposing side's death. Instead he saw a glint of fear mixed with happiness- he felt it. Even from himself still he ignored it.

"Where's Mae?" Kingston asked, standing as though he owned that ground, he had no time to waste with the filthy man before him.

Dustin slowly turned back to Kingston, as a feeling of threat washed over him.

Kingston radiated of a new power, one that seemed stronger than anyone has ever been in the presence of. Dustin's pack could see it, feel it and they feared the unknown.

They were happy to see their Alpha Kingston alive and wanted to run over to his side, leaving the evil that has consumed them at the hands of Dustin but that would risk their lives, as Dustin has never failed to show them his ruthlessness.

"She's where she belongs. With me," Dustin snarled.

"You stole everything from me, but the worst you did was to take my family," Kingston let out, his jaw clenching.

Ivan eyed Dustin's Beta with a mean mug, waiting to pounce on him.

Kingston glared at Dustin, calculating his next step.

"I'll ask just this once, bring Mae out," Kingston said calmly.

Dustin gave him a blank stare before laughing out loud. His Beta and Delta joined in whilst the pack cowered.

Anthony was amongst Kingston's pack, watching the two Alpha's go at it whilst scanning the building behind the other pack.

Dustin dropped his smile and inched closer to Kingston. The men behind Kingston growled and moved forward but Kingston raised his hand to stop them.

The closer Dustin got, the stronger a feeling of suffocation became. Kingston chuckled, witnessing him squirm in his presence.

Stubbornness propelled Dustin forward. He refused to let Kingston win, he was ready to fight to death, "It's time I finish you. For good!"

Kingston's pupils glimmered gold, as amusement revealed itself on his face, "You can try." No that wasn't Kingston dare, the lycan that lived in him did.

Dustin charged forward towards Kingston with the speed of lightning but Kingston's instincts acted faster as he put an open hand up to push Dustin back.

The impact of Kingston's palm against Dustin's chest had him flying over his men to the back. The pack looked behind to their fallen Alpha who sat up coughing. His eyes were red with fury as he stood up.

"What are you all staring at me for! Attack!" Dustin shouted but only his Beta and Delta moved forward towards the enemy. This caused Dustin to grunt as he stood up. His eyes fiery as he moved along his pack, "Your Alpha gave a command," he spoke with authority, "I expect all of you to listen!"

Kingston neared Dustin, and his pack lowered their heads, almost as though in respect, "Whomever wishes to submit to a real Alpha and not this Omega, may do so. I'll spare your life," he spoke.

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