everything assault leads to.

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' what are you...what are you, what are you so afraid of...
darling you...you give but you cannot take love.."

Girls from the tent beside mine sang, this early in the morning, as girls, we knew it was best to freshen up early, we didn't want any funny play from the boys when it came to our personal space and hygiene.

Olivia woke up with so much pain this morning, it was her time of the month, and she didn't even expect it this morning, and should I tell you, she ate most of the Pizza yesterday and junks too, I see why it hurts so bad, I'm just glad she didn't stain our covers, but she's good now though thank goodness.

I wore my favourite white snickers today, matching with my favourite jean, of course, I had the feeling Mr Lewis would be taking us for a stride today, I mean it's only normal since we're just coming to this environment for the first time, and also knowing Mr Lewis so well, he loves to hit the ground running, he'd love to start his practical lessons today by showing us plants.

Finally, all students were ready, and we were all out, chatting with ourselves, taking pictures and playing around, the teacher arrived and gestured to all of us to assemble and that, we did.

Mr Lewis was the first to enunciate "Good morning students, how was your first night here in Venice Wilde's?"

We all mumbled an "it was good Sir" or something of that sort.

"Today we will be touring around this beautiful habitat, but before that we will be going to the assigned restaurant the school already paid seats for, to have breakfast, and I know some of you might be scared about the touring but I assure you we have the strongest security group with us and also you hardly find wild animals here, and if there are any, the animal control must be somewhere on their way then" he concluded.

"Just stay together, no lurking around the corner, we must stay together no matter what, am I clear?" He asked and we all hummed a yes again.

Goodness, I'm so hungry.

I really hoped no one heard the grumbling of my stomach honestly, I looked to my right and found Olivia, thank goodness she feels better, we all began to match into the bus, after taking our seats the bus started driving.

DeVito's place.

Quite a fancy restaurant the school picked up for us, entering into the beautiful building, I already found seats kept for us, eight round tables with four round seats around each. It seems our school already got this place for us for the whole morning.

Pancakes and bacon were served and those who needed tea or coffee combined got it, it wasn't so much of a special treat, it was all just okay.

Later in the day after breakfast, we already got back to our side, and my crew were here with me together even though things have been going on, we still stayed together as other students too did while Mr Lewis and Mrs Hewitt were in front explain what an elephant grass is.

We got to the River and honestly, words would never be enough if I told how beautiful it was, far of we saw the waterfall and the surge in there will be so strong based on the way it kept falling.

This is honestly the first time I've seen nature this beautiful and just like everyone else, I took a picture, sending it to mum, then I remembered.

I legit hadn't gotten a call from Dad yet....strange.

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