creepers and Fighters.

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'say it again, say you don't feel for me again'

He shifted his eyes from my intense gaze to the other cars packed at the back of ours. I honestly have no idea what's eating him up in his ass. He's been so quiet and distant since this morning.

I greeted him this morning, oh well I was really happy because honestly as unbelievable as it sounds this morning was the first time I had cereal in a while,you know - sweet food. But hey, he decided to ignore me by facing his business, I really can't place why it bothers me that he ignored me.

His hands reached for the car door, still not looking at me, instead at his watch and he turned over to also get in, before ordering his chauffeur to move.

"Where are we going?" I asked suddenly, surprising myself that I didn't stutter.

Wordlessly, he continued typing into his phone. I honestly felt my anger sizzling up.

"What's wrong?" I asked again, fully facing him.

He sighed as he rubbed his eyes,then faced me.
"Who were talking to last night Vedika?" He asked coldly, but his eyes searched mine, desperate for a response.

Last night?

"I - I don't quite get you- W- what do you mean?" my vision thinned out as I tried remembering, last night I only talked to Aunt Tabby since no one in the house tries to talk to me, I mean they avoid me.

Oh wait.

Jam Jam??

"Who were you talking to on the phone last night?" Even when he tried to hide the venom in his voice, it spit out of him clearly.

"Jam Jam??" I asked in utter confusion. He gave off an humourless chuckle.

"Yeah Jam Jam."
"How- How did you- I was in my room when I- were you-"

"Relax, I was passing by and I heard you speaking to him and I - look forget it" He said curtly.

"Is that what got you pissed? I just called to congratulate him and- Why - Why would you get angry- I mean-" I rambled on, but I felt a firm grip on my gesturing hands.

"Forget it tesoro" he said. I only nodded.

Few minutes passed and I realized that our hands were still joined together, I didn't even realize. Somehow I felt heat from my neck transporting to my cheeks, and my lips curl.

The car came to an halt, as I tried getting out to find out where we were,his hands stopped me - again.

He got out, his steps emphasized his confidence, his aura screamed power as usual, I don't want to talk about how intoxicated I feel with his scent.

Omg like yesterday.

Opening the door, he gestured his hand out, eyes telling me to take it, with a warm smile, I did.

I got out to face a shopping mall, I gasped and looked back at him.
"What- Why - "
"Shopping obviously, shall we?" He gestured to the front door.

Shaking my head, I muttered a "no".
"I don't care let's get in" he said taking my hand in his.

We finally walked into heaven, only if I had the money, what did he think, I'm Kendal Jenner now?

A slender lady walked towards us soon after I was done gawking.

What's wrong with her hips though?

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