eventually, Someday Close.

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'sometimes I get lost in your eyes
sometimes you get lost in my eyes.."

Florida was already welcoming the rainy season here, the faint droplets of the rain outside, from here where I was seated to the faint sound of the lady singing on stage, I paid no attention to, I was eager for something else, for Ivan to be right, and I to be wrong.

I and my wolf were both eager actually.

Andrea my third in command drew me out of my thoughts.
"That's him" he signalled to the owner of the restaurant.

"Hello Mr Evans," I said standing up, my hands forward, he joined his for a firm shake before redrawing his.
"Hello and Welcome to King's Crown Restaurant, I hope you enjoy our services here." He said with the brightest grin.

That's when I smelt it, he was her father, I gave him back the widest smile I could, only if he knew why.
"Enjoy? Or enjoyed, I enjoyed the services here Mr Evans, I came here for a brief meeting with a few clients and they also enjoyed it here, you're doing a great job"

Perhaps Ivan was right, maybe they lived here now, but no my wolf still feels she's back somewhere close to home.

"Well that's amazing, please do come again," he said sincerely.
"Pray me uhh I haven't seen your wife and kids, or are you the only one running here?" I asked and he looked at me sceptically, of course, he only met me this once.

"Um well yes I'm the only one running it for now, and family is back at home," he said with a weak smile.

Andrea checked his time, signalling that it's about time we moved out, we were heading to Georgia, we had another meeting with those in charge of the Silver Moon pack.

As soon as we got out of the restaurant into the Range, I started smiling like a fool, why wouldn't I? I already found her after 10 years, it was all my fault to not check up on her after the first time I saw her, she was still so young, so fragile.

I wanted her to live her life, I wasn't a paedophile, no, I looked right to Andrea and he was also smiling.
"You know what to do from here right?" I asked and he nodded with excitement, everyone was eager to meet their Queen.

The drive from here to Georgia took about six hours, I was exhausted but this meeting was definitely worth it.
It was time we found out what was actually happening to our source, for about five years now, out Moon has been quite unusual, Even the humans noticed it, taking pictures of its beauty, but soon they forgot about it, saying it's just a change, typical humans.

The Moon was the lesser light, and the light of the night of course, but sometimes for the past five years, it was only directed to a part of Earth, well yes here in USA, and that was all the humans saw, but being children of the Moon we knew better.

The Moon directed to a particular place means two things
A bad omen
A good omen. But of course, we're all hoping for the best, every other Alpha under me will be at the meeting also, I really can't wait to get this resolved.

We arrived at the woods soon enough, Palmville it was called, and there he was, my good friend Killian, also an Alpha.

"Your Welcome Your Majesty, hope you took you time?" His American accent was strong.
"I took no time, this needs no time to spare," I said looking around the woods, then I saw the boats, of course, leading us to the hidden place where his pack habited, I smiled.

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