my son.

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Third perspective.

  One thing Anthony knew how to do quite well, was to hide his little family from the paparazzi, they hated it- he hated it himself, but here they were, somewhere deep in Ontario, London, in a five-star hotel, they decided to stay here for a little while before their visa to Macedonia is ready.

"Papa?" His baby called, they had just lodged into the two-bedroom space, but Kieran has been really high-strung for the few hours, making both his parents already tired.

"Yes, Kieran?" Anthony answered, placing the little boy's toy bagpack in the wardrobe.

"Outside," he said singly.

"We just got in Ki," his mother's voice drawled, making him cheekily grin, he was being naughty and he knew it.

"Mummy pwease outside, I want to go," he pleaded, whining.

His mother looked to the side where her lover stood, packing the bags, she gave him the silent look, that spoke "help me out", he chuckled at their silliness, before squatting down to his little boy, giving him kisses all over his face. Ki was a stubborn one, just like his father - he didn't quit whining.

"Okay kiddo, here's what? Momma's going to take you downstairs to the kids game house you love that huh?" His father said teasingly, making his baby smile, squealing as he immediately left his father's arms back to the door which they came in from.

Maeve groaned.

"But I'm so tired," she drawled, complaining.

"Honey, just for a few minutes please, I'll come take over when I'm done unpacking for us all, how about that?" He persuaded, but her response was all a grunt, making him chuckle.

"Promise?" She yelled as she trudged away to her son, who was busy trying to get his hands to open the locked door.

"Come here," he said huskily, his hand on her left arm, pulling her towards himself, his hands on her waist, she subconsciously rested on his chest, hands over his shoulders.

"Promise," he said as his lips met her temple, to her eyes then her cheeks, finally to her lips- Maeve on the other hand wished every day she spent with him, that someday she felt the strong connection she felt with him-- with him.

 "We're downstairs," she announced, as she pulled away from him, taking her mind to wherever it was leading her to.

"Mummy," her son sang, making her groan- a habit she does when stressed, making her have an attribute of a grumpy old woman.

"I'm coming," she sang back.

Finally, they left the room.


"Mummy, is that monkey in the middle?" He asked cheerfully, pointing to the video game he saw his age range paying tickets for.

"But honey-" his mother started, but it was too late, he let go of her hand as he ran towards the crowded area, Maeve panicked.

"Oh no, Ki!" She said, regaining her strength from an unknown source, she sped her pace, eyes searching deep to the direction he left to, she could feel her heart beating fast, mind speeding to different places.

Wasn't this supposed to be a private and expensive hotel? Why are there much-

"Ki!" She could already feel the heat in her eyes, blurry visions in front of her, her heart accelerating, she felt her body slowing down.

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