who are you?

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The smell of wet grass and mud hit my nose, I shifted uncomfortably, resisting the urge to wake up from this beautiful slumber. I heard a loud groan making me jump out from where I laid.

With heavy breaths I looked around, I was in a room, a disoriented looking room, with skipping power bulbs and an open ceiling, just then I realized it was drizzling, but everywhere wasn't as dark anymore, it was probably dawn.

Where was I? Why would Dustin bring me here?

Just when I tried moving, I felt a restriction, in confusion I looked down at my legs and found my feet tied with a rope, same as my hands, I panicked.

"Dustin!" I yelled out, feeling my heartbeat escalate. I was worried about him, what happened to us after the ride? Where was he? Was he alright?

"Somebody help me!" I cried out, trying to move away from the bed, it was of no use as I was tied to the bed, I can't remember anything- I can't-

Just as I was about to shout out again, I heard the wooden door open, I looked to my right, so as to see who was that who kidnapped us.

But to my surprise, I was met with Dustin, making me squint my eyes in utter confusion, what's going on?

"Dustin?" I said, trying to read him, seeing him in clearer light, I must say, he's changed a lot, he looked bigger-- more muscular and everything about him spelt dangerous from some reason, his stride had my anxiety creeping up.

His smirk. This smirk, what-
"Dustin?" I called again, trying to get a word out of him, but he said nothing but stare, like he was looking deep into my soul, just the way Kingston-


Did Kingston do this?

"We were kidnapped?" I asked.

Dustin grinned this time, his eyes moving up down my body, making me feel a little uncomfortable, why wasn't he getting me out of this ropes!?

He sat on the dirty sheets I laid on, moving incredibly closer to me, and suddenly again-- he groaned out in pain, like something was inflicting pain on him, then I knew, something was off about him.

"What-- What-- Why -- Why am I here, what is going on Dustin?" I asked with shaky breaths, slowly making distance from him on the bed I was held captive to.

A growl escaped from his mouth, as his tightly shut eyes opened, giving me a total different colour of his eyes, they were shining gold, I could stop the scream that escaped my lips as I fell on the floor flat trying to run away from this creature, only to remember that I was still tied to the bed, I couldn't move an inch more.

He reminded me of the first werewolf I had seen, the one Kingston told me about-- Alessandro? Was Dustin also a werewolf like them?

He proved me right my bringing is claws to my neck, using that one hand to pull up to the bed. He was suffocating me, until he pulled out. I coughed aloud.

"Running away from me was a terrible mistake my love," he said, as he used his finger to wipe away the tears already running out from my eyes.

"Shhh," he cooed, this wasn't the Dustin I knew, no this was a sick man.

"What--What-- Who are you?" I asked terrified of what was about to come out of his mouth.

But he smiled, he smiled as his hands caressed my cheeks.

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