Chapter 29

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"Tristan," Charlie shouts when I walk in with Liz the next day. My face lights up upon seeing her happy and well. She pushes away her breakfast tray as I go for a hug.

"Glad to see you feeling better darling," Liz says in her ear.

"Is everybody else coming later?" Charlie asks.

"They can't make it today," Liz replies.

"They do miss you though," I add in. Her bright smile fades a bit but doesn't go away.

The room is quiet for a few minutes before a knock on the door breaks the silence. The same nurse that I saw yesterday walked in with a police officer.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I thought I'd catch you now." The officer says with a big voice.

The nurse checks Charlie before leaving. What bothers me is that Charlie looked to calm and natural going through the routine. It like she's done it many times. Because she has, I think to myself.

"So we might have a lead as to who and where they are." The officer says after the nurse leaves. I nod, anxious to hear more information. "The Australian police near your home have been working with us. Luckily we have also hired someone to keep this out of the public eyes and ears."

"Will I be able to leave tonight with everyone else?" Charlie asks butting in.

"I'm not the doctor, but I'll ask when I'm done."

"I'd think that would be a good idea. If she does stay here someone would see us here and figure something's up." I silently thank Liz for thinking it thru. "Although I would like her to stay so she can heal properly."

My mind begins to wander off, zoning out the argument that is going on. I shake my head knowing that this has happened what too many times. All because of the same two people.

"Can you please do this outside?" I ask, getting tired of feeling helpless. Liz understands and ushers the officer outside.

After a moment of silence I hear Charlie whispering my name. In one swift moment my arms were around her, helping her relax.

"We'll get though this," I say to her over her sobs. "We've made it this far."

Not only was I making that promise to her, it's reassurance to me too. "They are so stupid to try and make the decision without you- or the others."

There's a moment of silence before one of our stomach growls. I remember I had a small breakfast, so I look over to the breakfast try Charlie pushed away earlier. It's still full, the only sign someone touched it was the subtle mix of food.

"You didn't eat"," I say sternly at Charlie.

"Why would I tristan?" She says locking eyes with me.

I wonder for a moment before deciding to at least try making her eat something. "Cmon please just eat the applesauce for me?"

Her stomach growls at the thought of food. I try anything to get her to eat, but she ignores every try. I try to give her a pleading look. But before I tried anything else the door opened with the officer and Liz. Behind them was a doctor.

"Charlotte?" The doctor asks with a serious tone. She replies with a worried and fearful yes. I look over to Liz for any sign. She has her hands covering her mouth, trying to hide a smile. "Be careful when your out of the hospital."

It took a moment for it to sink in Charlie before she realized what was happening. Yes she only was in the hospital for a night but it was enough. We get tired of the boring walls all the time.

"But there are some rules to follow," we both get quiet so the officer can speak. "You must rest for another week and a half, you can't go out unless one of your parents is out with you. That's goes for you too tristan. We are also going to going to beef up security."

"Thank you, I'll make sure everything will happen." Liz shakes his hand as he's leaving.

"I just need to take a few lasts tests and you're free to go." I smile a thanks to him and I walk out. Quickly I sent a text saying that Charlie is coming home while I wait for her.

"Ready?" Liz asks when Charles steps out of the hospital room dressed in her own clothes.

"Super ready," she says and I wrap my arms around her. We walk arm in arm to the car, avoiding the paps that are around the corner.

Authors note

Okay sorry if this is kind of bad. I wrote all of this in math class. And I regret nothing.

Ummmm idk if you would kill me or not but I'm sure you will anyways.

As always if you want to talk send me a message. I'm literally always there. Even if I'm replying in science I do reply.

Loves Ya

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