Chapter 8

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Tristan's pov

I can't believe it got so bad that I forgot about the promise. Well I remembered after cutting the first time. But I was just so stupid of thinking it's my only way out of problems. Turns out this made more problems.

As I follow her from behind I think about what I had lost. She is my best friend, peanut butter and jelly.

I get to the house and find the front door wide open. Running upstairs I panic. What is Charlie doing to herself. I scream her name but hear no answer.

There's no sign of her in her room but I do notice her bathroom light on. Cautiously I went in and what I saw, I wasn't prepared for.

There sat Charlie laying against the tub. In her right hand the knife and the left arm was all bloody. I tried to see if she was conscious but she wasn't.

Tears that I held in suddenly came flowing out. I heard Liz come in and I decide to carry Charlie downstairs. Liz's car was still out on the driveway with a door open.

Liz came out behind me asking about all of this. Though couldn't hear, the drumming of my heart overcame any noise.

I noticed that Liz didn't ask anymore questions. She jumped into the front seat and speed off to the hospital.

With Charlie's head in my lap I tried to say positive things into her ear. They ended up being for me. Words of encouragement that she was going to okay.

The hospital staff got busy on her quickly. Leaving Liz and I to wait in the waiting room.

"Tristan," Liz said cautiously. "Tell me everything. And the exact truth please."

I told her everything from when I started cutting again, all the way till the part where I found her in the bathroom. Tears were coming out of both of our eyes when I was done.

"Irwin?" one of the nurses said from the decks. Causing us both to stand up.

"Right this way," we followed the nurse back behind the doors and to her room.

I didn't want to see her but I knew I had to.

The nurse showed us to her room and started to do tests. "Hi Charlie," I quietly say.

Her arm was bandaged up and laid limply at her side. Maybe if the tubes weren't sticking out she wouldn't look so bad.

"Good job Charlotte, all done for today." The nurse said to Charlie. I noticed that she didn't move at all except for her chest breathing. "The doctor has in the notes about an attempt of suicide, and that caused a coma. Am I correct?"

"Coma?" I stared shockingly at Charlie again. The nurse sadly nodded giving silent sympathy.

Looking at Charlie again I noticed how different she looks, now that I know she's in a coma. It's funny how you look at a person differently after learning valuable information.

"It's all my fault," I sit down angrily beside Charlie. I take her hand and stare at her unresponsive body.

"It's not your fault. Don't ever blame yourself for any of this." Liz tries to comfort me but there's this pain of guilt in my stomach.


I convinced Liz to let me stay the night next to Charlie. At three in the morning I change my mind. First of all the chair is really uncomfortable. Another thing is that nothing happens. Though I'm worried that I will go home and something will happen.

The boys had no idea this is all happening and we hope it's going to stay that way. As long as the fans and media don't find out.

A few hours ago the nurse came in to insert a new tube in Charlie. When she was about to leave she told me that if you talk to Charlie maybe she can hear.

The nurse left and I was hesitant at first, I started to talk about memories. Then I continued into my feelings about the entire new life. How I feel about, well, everything.

Maybe she hears, what if she didn't. What if instead of her hearing there's a little microphone recording everything. Nah I worry too much.

Thankfully after revealing everything it made me tired and was able to fall asleep.








Authors note

Yay for update, boo for short chapter and another boo for it being a filler.

So what are your thoughts about derpcon???

If your wondering what that is go check out YouTube and search 5sos derpcon. Of course it's a video of them being well amazingly them. Though I'm not able to go. I'd rather go next year to the concert!!!!! ;) em

Oh and I can't believe this is to 700 reads. Almost there to 1k!!!! which is amazing!!!!!

So now I think I'm talking random things and shit but have a good day/night wherever you may be.

Ummmmm bye

5sos adopted meNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ