Chapter 23

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"Here we are," he says stopping in front.

"I guess this is it." I sigh, not wanting this to end.

"Hold out your hand," Kyle says pulling out his pen. He writes another number below Amanda's and I'm assuming it's his.



I walk through the doors and walk to the buses. Not prepared for what would happen.

"Charlotte where have you been?"


Tristan was standing on the steps in the bus, blocking my way.

"I was out," I say peacefully avoiding another argument.

"Why are the pictures on the Internet with some random guy?" He shouts taking another step down the stairs.

"He's not random. He's someone who was being nice to me. Better than you are today." He started at me for a moment and I started to think I was wining the argument for a second. It came so quickly I didn't see it coming.

I move my hand to my cheek, it stings the harder I put pressure. If this is how he wants to fight then let's do it. My face hardens and I try to think of a weakness of his. I thought hard about it and realized I didn't know. He changed so much that I didn't know the new him. The bitch that replaced him.

"I don't even know why I kept my promise," Tristan muttered.

That was the last comment from him. I was going to make sure of that. I wind up my arm making sure all my energy is in the punch.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" A hand grabs my arm and I try to kick at Tristan. "Stop, Charlie please."

Calum- I found out- is the one holding me back. He tries to hold me back but I break free and start to throw punches. I accidentally hit ashton or Luke. Who was trying to keep Tristan from punching me.

"I thought you were my friend, brother, other half." I manage to scream out.

"I never was. I was just pitying you." That comment from him made me go weak as I let Calum and Michael drag me off.


"What the hell is up with you two?" Calum asks when he sets me down on the dressing room couch.

"We're letting out true feelings for each other out." I stare blankly at the wall. Thinking about Amanda and Kyle right now.

"No I know that isn't true. I remember that day. The look you two have each other when you knew you were leaving each other."

"Childhood thoughts. It's all gone now, we've grown up and grew apart." Michael presses down on my cheeks and I flinch away. "What the fuck Michael?"

"Sorry just wanted to see the black eye." He says then presses a cold ice pack on my eye. I flinched at the coldness at first then took a breath.

"Yesterday he helped us with the surprise. Wasn't that nice?" Calum asked me.

"Um if you didn't notice Ashton did most of the work. He just made us help." Michael said.

"Hey guys there you are, better get ready. Show is in two hours." One of their mangers says poking his head through the door.

"Thanks and can you find James for us?" Michael asks him. The manager nods and leaves.

"Please don't drag him into this. He's seen enough of me in pieces." I whisper, barely audible.

"We need him to watch you tonight. If we don't want to let the fans down." Calum takes off the ice pack and leans in to kiss my forehead.

"Can he look after Tristan? I'm perfectly fine by myself."

"No we're getting someone else to watch over Tristan." Michael says very strictly.

"We're teenagers. Why do we need people to watch us?" I sit up and quickly regret doing so.

"Do you want the paps to know about this? If we don't keep this secret it won't turn out pretty." Calum starts to raise his voice, then calms down.

"Hey guys it's time to get ready. I'll make sure she's fine." James peeks his head through the door all perky and happy.

I groan when Michael and Calum stand up to leave. "Can't the show go on with just Luke and Ashton?" I ask when they're giving me hugs.

"I'd be scared for what'd they do onstage." Michael laughs nervously.

James comes to sit next to me when the door closes behind. I sigh then stare at the ceiling. "Why was I adopted? Why was I friends with Tristan?" I start to cry not caring about anything.

"Stop thinking that. It happened for a reason. And a good reason. We know each other now." He pulls me into a hug as I go into a full cry.

"Can I be alone for a few minutes?" I ask pulling away.

"Ya sure, I'll just be outside." He stands up and walk out.

I take a deep breath and start searching. This is a dressing room there has to be one in here somewhere. I search all of the drawers and in the last one I find what I'm looking through.

I break it open and make the first cut.

Authors note
Omg thanks kiea-I think that's how I spell your name- for the wonderful idea.

I hope the bell will ring before my friends who is sitting next to me won't kill me when she reads the chapter.

If she does good bye.

See you next chapter.

Sorry this is a short note but lunch almost over.


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