Chapter 41

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"C'mon work with me here. Please?" I was teaching Tristan a song on my guitar or at least that's what I was trying to do.

"Okay fine." He gives me an evil smile and then starts playing like he had always played all his life, and like I was the one who needed lessons.

"Your such a bitch you know that?" He smiles because he knows it all too well. "I hate you," sticking my tongue out at him.

"Tristan? Someone out here wants to meet you." Adam said peeking his head in the door.

"Me?" He asks and looks at me. He gets up to go and we follow Adam out curious as to who wants to meet him.

Typically I see girls around my age standing and talking with the guys. When we walked out I saw this older woman talking with the guys. Thing is she looked familiar.

"What's going on?" Tristan whispers to Ashton while Luke was talking with them.

"Tristan?" asked the lady. "Oh my gosh you look so grown up." She walked over to him, giving a big hug while Tristan stood there in shock.

"Tristan," Calum says smiling ear to ear. "This lovely woman says she is your mother."

"My- what?" Tristan sputters out. I couldn't believe it. After all of these years of Tristan and I fighting the world.

"She contacted us a while ago. After watching an interview with you two." Michael says speaking up.

"I- I can't believe it. I won't believe it." I said taking a few steps back. My brain has a hard time processing the news. I think back to all the memories. Can she take him away from me? So quickly like that?

"Oh Charlotte, how beautiful you are." She started to walk to me and I get even more confused. My old instincts kick in and back away from her. "You look just like your mother."

"Wait you knew my mom?" I stare in disbelief. I look over to the guys for some help but they look sad and broken.

Luckily Ashton saw that I was struggling and helped me out. "How about we talk about this in the dressing room in a few minutes?"

So Tristan, his mom and I filed into the room waiting for the others. Tristan and I sit on one side of the couch and her on the other. He reaches over to me and places a hand on my balled up fists. Then I lean into him for more support.

"Are you two a couple?" She asks, immediately Tristan and I move apart at the awkward question.

"No-no we're just," I'm at a loss for words. Knowing that within a few minutes everything that we knew could change. We might not be sibling or best friends anymore.

"Don't worry I know what you mean." She answers giving us a look of understanding. But in truth she'll never know who we are to each other. Heck we don't even know ourselves. Luckily everyone came in before things got even more awkward.


"Alright so now that we're all situated would you like to start asking a few questions?" Ashton said from my left.

It was quiet for a few moments before I spoke up first. "Tell us, from the beginning."

"Charlotte was my friend's daughter. Born almost a year before Tristan. Your mom was very young at the time, just a senior in high school. It was a hard choice but she decided to keep you. When you were just a months old you two was driving home from the store. I got this call that she got into an accident and was killed at the scene. You of course survived." She starts to cry thinking about the day. I started crying a bit too. She died instead of both of us.

"What about my father?" I asked.

"He left the town a week after Sarah  died and we never bothered to look for him. Looking at the news recently I could tell he found you."

"You can say that again," I muttered under my breath.

"I was able to take custody of you, but with no job and the sudden surprise of a pregnancy. It was all too much. When Tristan was born I tried to take care of both of you, but it got too much. Then and there I decided to give you both up until I can take care of us all. After I prayed and prayed for the two of you to never loose each other."

"I wish it was always like that." Tristan looked at me with sad eyes thinking about the bad times. To think that was not even a year ago that we were living that life.

"We agreed for you to meet because we know how hard it is touring and social media. We thought that you might want to leave us and go home with your mum." Michael said with tears in his eyes.

"What? No, we would never want to leave you." The next sentence was barely audible. "You're the best thing that has happened to us. Right Tristan?"

I glance at him and see that he's looking back and forth between his mum and everyone else. I realized then that this is what he's wanted for so long. A mother.

"You can think about this over night. I have a flight back to Australia tomorrow afternoon." She says hoping to make us feel better.

"Thank you for coming out tonight. Hopefully we can give you an answer tomorrow." Adam says coming into the room at the right moment. As if he was listening to everything. He lead her out, leaving us in a darkened silence.

"You don't have to stay with us. All we want is the best for you." Luke said trying to fight back tears.


"Charlie, what do you mean no?" Ashton asked.

"I mean I'm staying with you. My father is in jail there's no more threat. I love you guys too much to say goodbye."

"You won't say goodbye. It's just a see you later." Calum speaks up for the first time.

"And then what? Your career picks up even more so all we will become to each other is an old memory." I say arguing with them.

"Tristan what would you do?" Michael asks him. I look over to him, he's been avoiding the conversation. Now I'm scared for what he'll say.

"I'm not going to stay." Was all he did actually did say. Those five words that easily broke my heart to a million pieces. With that he stood up and walked out of the room.

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