Chapter 11

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"Dude we've looked all over for you, where have you been?" ashton asked when we walked in.

"Out by the fire." Luke gave him a hard stare that make ashton not question it.

One of the guys from one direction walks in, "hey Ashton, I found them."

"Thanks Harry," Ashton said rolling his eyes.

"Anyways I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. And that's again for letting us stay over." Harry left the kitchen after hearing a loud crash from downstairs.

"They're staying over?" I ask while grabbing a piece of pizza off of the counter.

"Ya for some meeting our managers put together," Luke answered.

I nod quietly then go upstairs to go to bed. Usually I have a hard time to fall asleep but tonight I feel like it's going to be easy.

I open up the door to find a couple of bodies in my room.

"Who the fuck are you?" I scream at them. They all wake with a jolt. I then realize that it's the boys. "Oh god why are you sleeping in my room?"

"Zayn has my room, Louis has Calums and the others are in the basement." Michael answered.

"Tristan your answer?" I ask annoyed to find them in my room.

"Um I was dragged in by Calum?"

"Can you guys at least leave so I can change?" They all left quietly as I shut the door behind them.

I didn't change right away, my thoughts were still with Luke by the fire. Everyone says that they love me and all that I just can't love myself they way they do to me.

I needed quiet and none of the guys in my room sleeping and being loud snores.

Climbing off of the bed I lock the door.

"Charlie? Are you going to let us in now?" Michael sounded tired and about to fall asleep any minute.

I left the doorway and left them hanging.

Authors note

Sorry that this a really short chapter but I don't feel like this would work out if I continued it wouldn't be right.

Anyway I'll delete the 20 facts soon. You probably don't want to know much about me.

So Ashton's in the hospital 😞 I don't remember why he's in but they cancelled a bunch of shows. So if you have Twitter tweet him saying something awesome!!!!

Um so ya thanks love ya

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