Chapter 30

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"Charlie!" Everyone shouted as I walked though the door. Luke and Michael practically ran to me in the cramped space to give me a hug.

"Ow ow, I felt your love when I walked in. Now get off of me." I stood like a stick because if I moved with them around me I would have a lot of pain.

"Guys give her some room for the next few weeks." Liz says walking in behind tristan and I.

"No cuddles?" Ashton asks with a sad puppy face.

"There's no way I can give up cuddles!" I shout walking over to ashton and give a big hug.

"Just no horseplay with her. You're lucky She's even able to leave with us tonight." Liz starts telling them what the officer and her decided.

I limp into the kitchen and take some medicine. On my leg was a boot, and I've learned to hate them. One of the fucking dudes kicked me in the shin and that's why I was in surgery for so long.

"Charlie? Are you in here?"

"In the kitchen," I shout.

"Hey. It's been a while." James says when he walks in with gummy bears in his hands.

"No way, those better be for me. Or I can make them for me."

He laughs and hands them to me, "of course they're for you. Who would they be for ashton?"

"There's no way ashton would get these." I laugh forgetting all my troubles that I had moments before.

Just then ashton pops his head into the kitchen, "my gummy bears," I shout at him. Throwing the nearest item which happened to be a beanie.

"Thanks I needed this." He says picking it up. "Anyways we have to go get ready. A security guard is standing guard outside. James watch her, okay?"

James replies with a cheerful okay and then proceeds to stare at me. "Please not like that. It's creepy."

"See you later," ashton comes up to me giving a big hug then leaves.

"So?" I say turning to James.

He replies back with so as well. "Why do you hang out with me so much? You choose to be here instead of the concert with tristan."

"Well um," he starts off before I cut him off.

"Wait I got it," I scream. "You hang around me because your gay and like tristan and is trying to find a way to him. But the only way to him is me and so you hang around with me." I finish with a big breath because I spoke at a rapid speed. "Boom give me a noble peace prize. Dropping the mic."

"First off it's the no-bell peace prize," sounding out noble slowly. "Next, I'm not gay."

"You're making me think that," I say with high energy. He laughs quietly. "Hey, don't laugh at me." I shout at him, which makes him laugh even more.

Next we both look down, awkwardly, at the same time.

"Is there something you want to do?" He asked me.

"I feel like, I feel like I want to do anything and everything." My entire body feels energized, like I never had sore ribs or a broken foot. Seems like the medicine is kicking in. "Is there a park nearby? I want to swing up swings and run up slides."

I was about to go run off to get my shoes but before I can go anywhere, James has his arms around me in a tight grip. I wince in a bit of pain, which goes unnoticeable to him.

"Wait a minute, shouldn't you be resting?"

I pull out of his grip and said a grumpy yes. "But I feel totally fine. Doctors are stupid anyways." I laugh very girly laugh, which I really hate.

"Says here that side affects are headaches, sleepiness and becoming delusional." He looks up at me with a strict face as I laugh really giddy again. "What did the doctor say?"

"Don't go out anywhere without one of your parents or security guards, rest for the next week and a half," I ramble off more off of the list.

"Repeat the second one please."

"Rest for the next week and a half?" I said with a question mark, unsure of what he's doing. "Which means no park for you." My face falls as he leads me to the living area. "Lay down and turn on the tv please. I'll be right back with some food." I continue to sit on the edge of the couch and pout. "Okay let's see what's on tv." He turns it on and starts to flip though the channels. "Hey look the bachelor is on. You like to watch that show don't you?"

"Only with Luke," I mumble, still pouting.

"Alright fine, what do you want to do?"

I can tell he gave up so I gave in as well. "I want to prank the boys," I answer after a deep breath.

"You want to? Okay fine what's the prank? Nothing too big please, you need to get better."

"Fine." I huff out. "Go out to the security guard and tell him not to let them in. No matter what happens."

"That's it?" James says in disbelief. "Knowing you, Tristan, even the band. There has to be a better prank."

"I'm sorry I'm disappointing you right now. I only do my best pranks on Thursday." I say starting out slowly but ending in an obvious tone.

"Alright," James says with a slight chuckle. "Well I'll go get that prank in place. Please relax and watch the show, I'll be right back."

From there he leaves and I lie back and try to watch the show. Luke would be really mad if he found out that I was watching this without him. But the remote is too far away.

James comes back in with a happy grin, "all good." I smile at him as he sits down next to me. "Hey um, mind if I change the channel?" I shake my head no as he grabs for the remote.

I tune out the skipping of channels. It's crazy, I think to myself. So many people care about me. If I leave them now I'll hurt them more. I can tell the drugs start to work it's amazing magic as I drift off into darkness.



Authors note

Hahaha ah I'm sorry it took so long. This week has been really busy. I have been able to write a whole bunch during math though. And I still have more that I didn't include.

Anyways I feel like this story is going down the drain. Please tell me if you agree because if you do I'll post a few more chapter then end it with one of the two scenarios in my head.

Whatever then since none of you read my notes anyways

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