Chapter 22

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I wake up to a silent bus, looking around I realize they're still asleep. For the first time I'm the first one up. Slowly I make my to the back of the bus where the big TV is stationed.

I open the door and see lots of unopened presents from last night. Shoving them off to the side I make room for myself. Letting them sit there for next year.

There's was nothing on tv when I was flipping through the channels so I continued to flip through them. Making a beat out of it.

Tristan walks in a few minutes later and notices the pile of presents. "Why aren't these opened?" He asks with his raspy morning voice standing in front of the gifts.

"I'd rather not open them." I say not even losing my eye contact with the TV.


"Because I don't deserve them like I don't deserve any of this." I shout at him. He backs up with wide eyes.

"What has gotten into you?" Tristan shouts. I start to break down inside. Though still strong on the outside, which won't last for long. "You're selfish. I try to do something nice for you and you become a bitch about it."

"Maybe if nobody was hiding from me yesterday I would've appreciated it more," I protest back at him.

"Didn't James surprise you with McDonalds?" This was turning into a shouting mayhem.

"No, was he supposed to? I met some fans instead I guess. And you call me a selfish bitch!"

"Maybe you're right you don't deserve these gifts." He screams at me. I try not to let this bother me but its getting to me.

"Guys is everything okay back there?" Ashton asks from the other side of the door.

"Yes everything is fine," I snarl at him, glaring at Tristan.

"I thought you were my best friend."

"I'm making you a better person."

"So your saying I'm not good enough for you? Did I change that much since we were adopted? Cause I feel like you changed the most." I turn and speed walk to the front of the bus. Passing the boys who were eating breakfast. My legs took me out of the arena and out into the city.

I kept going for as long as I can. Which wasn't far since I'm out of shape. Guess I did change, lost my running speed. Wait, I'm in my pajamas. No, that doesn't matter. What matters is the cold I need somewhere warm to go. Luckily I had my phone in my pocket.

I saw many texts and calls already from the guys asking where I am. Ignoring them all I go to google and search for the nearest coffee shop. Who cares if I'm wearing pajama pants. They're comfy and there's absolutely no way I'm going back today.

I started to follow my phones directions as I crossed the street. My head was kept down to avoid anybody recognizing me. My legs lead me while the phone was guiding my legs. I quickened my pace, not thinking about what would happen.

It only takes an entire second for my entire day to change. One person coming from the other direction came crashing into me. The wet after rain ground made my fall a little less graceful.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry," The stranger said. Handing his out for me to grab. "Wait you're Charlie, aren't you?"

"Depends who you are," I groan when I notice my broken phone a few feet away. Shattered screen, probably won't work again.

"Here," he says to bend down and grab my phone for me.

I try turning on my phone, I pull back my thumb after being cut on one shard. "Thanks," I whisper to him before walking back on my way.

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