Chapter 1

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So sorry the writing sucks, bear with me it gets better. I promise!

Michael's pov

"Let's go adopt somebody later," Ashton says, I look up from my phone and give him a weird look. He always comes up with the weird ideas like this but not as crazy as this.

"Sure that sounds fun, but don't we have to check with management first?" Calum asked, while Luke pulled out his phone to call them.

"Whoa this is a little sudden." I say, speaking up. Yes it sounds fun but it also shouts too much work. "But I guess we can give it a try," I replied with caution in my voice.

"Great, management gave us a go and said it will be great for, something to do with fame. They'll pick us up later," Luke said hanging up.

"So who should we adopt?" Calum asked. Which is a really good question because we just thought of this 10 seconds ago.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"Well what gender, age, type." Ashton said getting the question that Calum asked.

Type Ashton really? Those words makes us really unqualified to be parents.

"At least two or three years younger than us, maybe not as young as 12?" Luke said.

"Girl?" Calum asked and many murmurs of yes goes around.

"Okay I think it's settled and we will look further when we get there," Ashton said clapping his hands together.

I nodded and snuck upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms. Now that I was actually getting excited a little bit. I picked the biggest empty room to tidy up. And I did until I heard a shout from the guys that the car is here.

I made one final change, finally satisfied for when our new adopted daughter gets here.


We sat in the adoption office taking care of the before papers. Which isn't much, the real paperwork will come later when we pick somebody out.

"Alright that's it for right now, would you please excuse me and gather everyone up for a moment?" The adoption lady asked. We nodded as she left the room and I realized a breath I didn't even realize that I was holding.

She came back into the room and nodding for us to follow her. The room was gymnasium size with a bunch of low window seats. Many toys and stuffed animals are scattered around the floor. Kids were playing in forts, plastic houses and in beds.

I didn't notice those kids as much who did catch my eye is this girl sitting in one of the window seats, reading a book.

There was another kid in one of the other window seats next to her, he looked maybe a year older than her. Maybe 14?

Then we all scattered around the room and started meeting kids leaving me obviously staring at the two.

I knocked myself out of my daze and walked over to the girl. She was wearing this really big Mickey Mouse hoodie even though it was summer.

There was room left on the seat so I took a seat, taking in her features. I'm sure she noticed me but is ignoring me, probably really into her book.

"Hi I'm Michael, what book are you reading?" without even taking a glance at me she lifted the book revealing a beat up book that I can barely make out the title of.

"Sorry she's like that today, Charlie can be into her books sometimes." The boy who was in one of the other window seats stood next to girl, who's name I now know.

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