Chapter 4

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"So we can either face the fans, come out some other way or wait here till they're gone?" Ashton adds.

"Well I'm tired of shopping and I think so is Charlie," Tristan says. I look over and nod because I really am tired of being dragged into stores.

"I really want to meet some of our fans," Luke said. I'm just beginning to realize how big they are as a band.

"But they don't know about Charlie and Tristan yet," Calum adds.

"Maybe we can go meet fans while they go and sneak out somewhere?" Michael suggests. I nod liking that idea.

"We luckily bought Tristan a sweat shirt just for these kind of problems. I don't think we're ready to show the world we adopted people." Luke says.

"Let's grab a mall cop for them just in case," Ashton said. I thought of it as a weird idea and apparently so did others.

"The idea is to take attention away from us not to us," Tristan explained. I nodded agreeing with him.

"You know what? You're all thinking too much about this. Let's just go and well meet you in the car." I said loosing my patience.

"Wait before you go," Ashton pauses to reach inside of his bag. "Here, just in case."

He handed both Tristan and I brand new iPhones. I sat there gaping at the beautiful things. Of course I've seen them before, couples all the time had them in their hands when looking at the adoption center.

"I already set them up and put all of our numbers in it," Ashton added. I go over, hug a thank you and we left for the car.

As we get closer we can hear many people outside. We decide that Tristan and I should go first. That way the attention is on them.

"Are you about to leave?" The security guard asks us when we walk up.

Tristan nods and he helps us to a path around the girls. When walking by them my ears hurt like crazy. I may have a small problem with loud things. Tristan remembers and helps me cover up some of the noise.

We make it through and he uncovers my ears. I still plug them because they're so damn loud. Looking around I realize I have no idea where the car is parked. Luckily Tristan knew where it was.

As we got closer Tristan remembered Ashton gave him the keys and pulled them out, unlocking the car.

It's was a good hour before the crowd started to disappear and we saw the top of Mikey's purple hair. It took another half hour and they were finally done.

"So sorry that had to happen," Ashton said opening up the drivers door.

I crawl out of the passenger seat and Calum reaches out to give me a hug. Graciously I take the offer and give him a big hug.

"Probably not a good idea for you guys to come to anything big with us just yet," Michael said as we got onto the road. "When you were going through the crowd we noticed the Charlie was uncomfortable."

"She's a little scared around loud noises," Tristan answered for me.

"May we ask why?" Calum asked.

"I- I don't want to talk about it," I answer quietly. Anything from my past is a touchy subject so I try to avoid it as best as I can.

For the rest of the ride home everyone was silent. Except for the whispers from Tristan and Michael. He was teaching Tristan how to use his phone. They offered to teach me but I told them another time.

"We're back!!!!!" Luke shouts from the front seat.

We all pile out of the car with our new stuff. As soon as I came into the house we immediately worked on putting everything away. Ashton decided to help me put my things away, Calum helped Tristan and the other two got dinner.

It was an awkward silence except for the occasional questions of where things should go.

"Dinners here- I mean ready!!!" Luke shouts from downstairs. I hear the door open and some voices, then after a few minutes the door closed. Looks like we're having pizza tonight.


Everyone was pretty much on their phones during dinner except for me. Somehow Michael ate all except two pieces of pizza in one box.

"Shit," Luke mutters. Probably something on his phone. "Mum's coming in a few minutes."

"Why did you invite her?" Calum asked.

"I didn't I usually don't invite her over!" Luke starts to freak out a little.

"She's going to freak," Michael says making the situation a little worse than it was.

The bell rings and everyone freezes. It rings again and Tristan gets up, snapping everyone else out of their trance.

"Tristan. Don't. We'll get it," they all shout at the same time running to the door.

The door opens and a cheerful hi mum comes from Luke.

"Hi Liz," the other boys say.

"Finally you answered, I almost thought you where hiding something." Luke's mom steps from the doorway and walks in.

"Actually we um-" Calum starts but Liz cuts him off. "Who are these two?"

"Um this is Tristan and Charlie, we uh adopted them yesterday," Ashton said unsure if he said the right things.

"Well I'm Liz, Luke's mum. Call me Liz please." She puts her hand in front of is for a shake. "So what made you want to adopt?"

"Um random question that was thrown out yesterday," one of them replied.

"Well I'm glad and kind of scared for them. If you need any help call me." Liz said giving a stink eye to them.

"What does that supposed to mean?" Michael says clueless.

"You know what I mean." Michael nods looking at his feet.

"Well nice to see you mum, see you soon." Luke said as he directed Liz to the door.

"Okay but I will bring your brothers by at random times to see if they have gone insane or not." She shouts before Luke closes the door.

"Phew one fan down, millions to go." Luke says as he lets out a long breath.
















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