Chapter 24

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"Can I be alone for a few minutes?" I ask pulling away.

"Ya sure, I'll just be outside." He stands up and walk out.

I take a deep breath and start searching. This is a dressing room there has to be one in here somewhere. I search all of the drawers and in the last one I find what I'm looking through.

I break it open and make the first cut.


Even though it's been a day since I cut last it felt good. "Charlie are you okay?" James asks from outside the door.

I stifle in a cry and ignore his question. "Charlie?" He asks again.

"I can't, I can't do it anymore." I cry out talking to no one in particular.

"Charlie I'm coming in now." He comes in and stops right in the doorway. After his second of shock he comes running to me. "No please don't do this." He pulls it away from my bloody hand.

James leads me over to the sink where he washes off the drying blood and dabs lightly to stop the bleeding. "Why did Tristan do this to you? Nobody deserves this."

"Charles can I talk to you?" Tristan's voice came from the other side of the door. Not even bothering for permission he barges in. I wonder for a moment what to do.

"Dude I don't think you should-" James starts saying behind me.

I couldn't hear the rest because I had this sudden burst of energy. Instantly my legs took me out of the room, pushing Tristan to the ground. I continued running. No idea where the hell I was going. My forearm was stinging more and more. But I didn't let that bother me. I had weakened my energy because of the cuts. The energy that my thoughts have created poured into the blood bleeding out leaving me weak.

"Is that Charlie? Remember me we talked on Kyle's phone when you ran into him." I came to an immediate stop almost falling over. Kyle was standing next to a girl, which I'm assuming is Amanda.

"Oh yes hi, nice to meet you. Kyle you didn't tell me you were going to the concert tonight." I say hiding all hints of fear and sadness.

"Well just a little surprise for Amanda."

"He's such a doof," Amanda says smiling and wrapping her arms around Kyle. My heart pangs a bit thinking about Tristan.

"Whatever. Just not as much than your brother or Leo." Kyle and Amanda both bursts out laughing while I stand there confused.

"Charlie! Where are you?" I hear James and Tristan's shouts from down the hall. "There she is," one of them shouts as they spot me.

"So um great meeting you. Text you later when I fix my phone. Got to go." I quickly sprint the opposite direction of the guys.

I run into a big muscled person, bouncing off of him. "I'm sorry Charlie, but if you would only listen I would help you." The security guard says grabbing my arm.

He lead me back to the dressing room with Tristan and James. One of them bandages my arm up while the other sits across from me, staring.

Tristan crosses over and hugs me. "I'll never do anything like that again."

Those few words were another slap to the face. Just this morning he wanted to murder me. I've given up my trust to this guy.

"I can't do it. I can't trust you. Why did you do that to me?" Who am I talking to him like a civil person while I can be myself and throw punches.

"Charles, they're coming for me. The nightmares are coming back." He says looking down at his hands. I look over to James for help and I realize he has no idea what has happened.

"James can we talk alone?" I ask him.

"I'm not sure considering what just happened." I give him a sad look that I've been practicing on the boys that eventually worked. "Fine two minutes, I'll be right outside."

He leaves and as soon as the door closes Tristan starts to cry. "What makes you think they're coming?" I whisper holding his shoulders.

"You know I never have nightmares except before something bad."

"Yes I know that but where adopted and happy and living a much better life. Why would they be coming now?" I think about it for a while before I realize why. "There's no way they would leave Australia to track us down."

"You don't know what they can do."

"What do we do?" I ask sitting back in the couch.

"I don't know yet." He says sighing, sounding defeated.

"I'm sorry but I'm still pissed at you and really want to slap you."

"I'm sorry princess but I think we've been through enough today." He says with a slight laugh.

"Hey guys. Surprised to see you not tearing each others throats out." Michael says opening up the door with the others following them.

"We've called truce for now," I shrug while trying to avoid a sweaty hug from Calum.

"Hello? Do you guys mind if a fan says hi quickly?" James says poking his head through.

The boys nod and the door opens wider to reveal the two people who has helped me the most today.

"Hey guys. Nice to meet you." Ashton and the others start on their little spiel when meeting and greeting.

I decide to tune them out wanting to think for a moment. "Hey Charlie, thanks to you I took off a lot of time in one of my races." Amanda says sitting next to me.

"Great job for you. Maybe I should wish you luck every meet you have. Or go to one."

"That'd be bad. She'll spend more and more time with you when she has much more important things to do." Kyle says laughing. Then, mysteriously winking to Amanda at the end.

"Well it's great meeting you and thank you Kyle for bringing Charlie back before we left." Calum says leading them to the door.

"So, what exactly happened that made you make up?" Luke asks when Calum closes the door.

"Well um can we just say there's bad memories that should stay between us." Tristan says looking past my open gaze.

"Okay well we have talked and decided that one of our mums should be here touring with us. Liz is more than happy to take on the challenge to being with us all for a few months." Michael says cheerfully, still with adrenaline from the concert.

"Group hug!" Ashton shouts making everyone squish together in a very uncomfortable position.

"Hey, who took my phone?" James asks when we break away from each other. Luke raises his hand with a very guilty look on his face.

"Okay guys get on the bus. Everyone must be on the bus in 15 minutes. Long ride ahead of us." Adam says sticking his head though the door.

We were all piled on the bus in 5 minutes all had a long and tiring day.

Authors note

So Tristan and Charlie made up, for now. I'm actually kind of mad that I had them make up.

Liz is coming.

Luke beware

You beware

Yay all day swim meet tomorrow, and I only have two races. Double yay.

Anyways I'm sorry for making you bored for this chapter but hey got to have a few boring ones for an amazing one.

Got to change the song now boom clap started playing. Getting tired of the song now


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