Chapter 35

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"Charlie, wake up." Tristan said waking me up.

"Where are we?" I ask groggy from sleep. From what I could tell we were still in the car. Driving to the hotel. Or we got to the hotel already and I slept most of the way here.

"We're at the hotel, need me to carry you?" Tristan asks pulling me out of the car.

I think for a moment before deciding, "I want Ashton to carry me."

"Wait, what?" He says says surprised. "I'm sorry Charlie that's not going to happen tonight sweetie."

"Well fine I guess I'll have to walk," I say sighing.

"C'mon," Tristan pulls me into a hug as we walk into the hotel. Good thing it's so late and humid that there's no fans out tonight. Sadly they'll be back early tomorrow morning.

I look around each hallway we pass. Down one hallway was an empty pool but what stuck me wasn't the pool. It was who was standing in the doorway. I stopped dead in my tracks and took a few steps back. He was gone the second I looked back.

I must've looked dazed because Tristan had to wave is hand in front of my face. "You okay?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm fine." I mutter quickly. "Just thought I saw someone."

Tristan turned my face so We were facing each other. I look away knowing what the all seeing eye can do. One look into my eyes and he knew that I was lying. I gave him a look that told him to let it go. Reluctantly he did. "Let's go, they're holding the elevator doors for us."

The elevator up was quiet, probably because of the long day at the happiest place on earth. So I played on the pins on my lanyard, straightening them and taking a closer look.

Good thing before it could get anymore weirder we got to our floor. We all got out and walked to our rooms in silence.

"I guess goodnight," Michael said reaching out to give me a hug.

We each hugged one another. Ashton's taking so much longer than the others. At first I liked it because it's been a while since a good hug because of their bust schedules. Then it got too long. "Ash, let go. Dude I love you too man."

"I uh sorry. I just really liked the shampoo in your hair." Ashton stuttered out, looking embarrassed.

I could tell something was us because when we opened up our room doors the boys started to scold Ashton. I felt sad about it but forgot about it knowing the looks they gave him. And I know those looks they're hiding something.


"Charlie, something was up when we were in the hotel lobby. Would you mind telling me what it was?" Tristan asked while lying in his bed.

"I can't, you'll find out yourself soon." I said trying to keep as much as I can to myself.

"I know there's something you're not telling me, and I will find out. As soon as you tell me." He answers.

I dig my head into the pillow trying to fall asleep. Finally after a moment of silence I break and give in. "He's here. I saw him in the hotel. He's following us everywhere."

"Wait, was he the one you were pointing out today in the magic kingdom?" Tristan asks.

I nod, "yes it's one of them. I just can't believe he still wants me."

"Of course he's still going to want you. As long as you're not in his grasp he will find a way." Tristan pauses and I'm worried about what he's going to say next. "Hold on I need to find one of the security guards."

"No wait please," I race him to the door blocking the way out. "I know what he wants. And what he wants he will get it."

"I can't let you do this, it's too dangerous."

"Please trust me, I have a plan." I desperately trying to win this little argument. "And- and I don't want any one of you to get hurt while trying to help me." My eyes start to tear up and I break, falling to the floor.

"Shhh calm down, I know you're tired. We all are. Let's think about this overnight. Okay?" I nod trying to hold back more tears.

He leads me to a bed and I instantly fall asleep from exhaustion. Though I knew it when Tristan wrapped his arms around me.

Authors note
Wow 750 words in about an hour!! That's awesome considering I did this on my iPod. I wanted to fall asleep before I wrote more on this chapter but I had so many ideas that I knew I couldn't forget them, so here I am now. Plus this chapter is sort of a filler before I get into the climax and ending of the story. Yes sad I know but I have other writing ideas that I'll be starting soon. Also maybe editing this one too.

I wanted to update before I went on vacation Friday.

Anyways goodnight, good morning or whatever wherever you maybe.

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