Chapter 21

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It was hard being alone all day. Months back I would be used to this, but today I'm not. Wonder if the fans are still outside?

I sit outside the bus, laying on the tire watching the crew rush around getting ready. Not too many familiar faces that I can talk to. Liam walks by and I wave to him. He waves back and keeps walking. Soon he's out of site and out of my mind once again.

He comes back the way he went, but walking backwards. Liam walks to me and plops right next to me.

It takes a minute or two till someone breaks the silence, "where is everybody?" He asks me.

"I don't know I was wondering if you knew."

"You looked really happy when I saw you and James were riding the bikes together. What happened in that hour?"

"Everyone became busy, even Tristan who never does this much in one day. I'm even surprised he's lasting this long without me." I stand up and start to go back into the bus.

Not being fast enough he pulls on my wrist and tries to bring me back down to the floor. I wince with his grip and pull out of his grasp. Rubbing my wrists I kneel back down, "Charlie you didn't do it again. Did you?"

I nod silently.

"I may not know you too well but I want to know you. James keeps telling us how great you are, everyone does. There's no need. If you commit it will hurt us so much more than you think. I do know a little about what they are planning, but you have to promise me. Do you promise me?" I nod again and he continues. "They're planning something big. Not allowed to say what but it's not bad."

"It'll be bad. That's all I've had my entire life. Bad surprises. I don't deserve good ones-"

"Trust me on this that it'll be good." Nodding again he hugs me then leaves. "Five minutes till showtime, I'll see you front row?" He shouts to me over the loud noises of the crowd. The crowd that keeps growing louder and louder every minute.


The concert was getting boring. I can't find Tristan anywhere and he said he would be here tonight. James disappeared too probably to some far away galaxy with Tristan. The boys kept looking at each other when ever they saw me. The fans next to me kept thinking they were looking at them.

I zoned out the rest of the concert at ended up on my phone. Some of the fans I gave my numbers to finally realized its me. Even though they're probably rocking out to the concert I still try to text them anyways.

I tried Tristan and James as well. No answer from either of them. I debated if I should go back to the bus or not. Maybe I can go take a walk around the city, just to clear my head.

"Shh don't protest about this follow along," a voice said from behind. The same man blindfolded me and placed headphones over my ears.

I started to kick and scream, but nobody was helping. He lead me off to the side of the stage and into backstage. This has turned into a really shitty day. When he tells me to sit I start kicking again. Which involves in more fighting.

I was politely pushed onto this bright area. Voices whispered and a new pair of hands lead me somewhere else, closer to the brightness. This must be the stage.

I hear more voices then the headphones were taken off my ears. "Alright guys three, two, one." Calum's voice came from in front of me. The blindfold was taken off.

I stood there gaping at the big screen saying happy birthday. There's no possible way that this is for me. Nobody knows my birthday. I never knew my birthday. Wasn't a big deal.

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