Chapter 19

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"Alright guys go to sleep we'll see you in the morning." Calum says closing the door behind him. He peeks his head in again, "and James I sent your uncle a text he knows where you are tonight."

James muttered a thanks then got settled on the couch. "Whoa you're not going to sleep on the couch. I'll sleep here I'll let you have my bunk. Oh and no buts I'm being nice, take that offer now or else."

He gave me a look at first then left to hopefully sleep in my bunk. I got comfy myself on the couch and feel asleep quickly.


"Hey Charlie wake up." I was nudged awake by James. Sitting up I gave him this confused look because I didn't remember what happened last night. Not a minute later I smiled, remembering our mini after party.

"Is that bacon?" I sniffed smelling yummy breakfast foods. My stomach grumbles as I smell bacon, eggs, pancakes and sausage.

James has a piece of bacon in his hand, "Ya that is you want some." He offered me the piece in his hand and I eagerly took the offer.

We both go into the kitchen and I'm immediately struck with an even stronger smell. "Morning Charlie," Calum says over by the stove making the pancakes.

I reply and go sit over with Luke. "So we have the day off. And we challenged the one direction boys to a futbol game." Ashton says coming in from the front of the bus.

"Haha we'll cream them. Alright guys quickly eat so we can do warm ups and get our skills back." Luke shouts in my ear.


"Okay so we get James and you get Tristan and Charlie?" Louis asks. All of us are in a big circle in the middle of the makeshift field.

"Deal," Ashton says shaking his hand.

"Lou ready to start?" Liam asks her who was happy to be our referee. To watch for fair play, swearing and cheating.

"Game on," Lou shouts as the game starts.

Calum immediately starts out with the ball. I follow close in front of him, but far enough up. He acts like he doesn't see me and does this cool trick in the air for a goal.

"Cmon that isn't fair, you got Calum." The keeper Liam says after retrieving the ball.

The teams went back and forth scoring and stealing the ball. I didn't get the ball much, but it was good since my skills are nonexistent.

We play on until we took a break. Mainly the other team needed it but took the change to regroup.

"Okay we need to play brutal this time," Luke says in our huddle.

"But Lou-" Michael starts but is cut off.

"No buts about her. We can do whatever. We're up by three and the game is boring. Let's make funner." Ashton whispers bit loud enough that we can hear.

"Did you just say funner?" Tristan asked.

"Hell ya I did," Ashton shouted, and into our ears.

"Alright guys, and Charlie. Times up lets play." Lou shouted and we got ready.

She blew the makeshift whistle and we started playing. Since the 1d team was losing they started with the ball. Quickly we gained it and scored a few goals.

One restart we all got the nod from Ashton to pick up the fun. They started with the ball and immediately Niall had the ball. Michael snuck up behind him pouncing on his back making him fall over. Calum recovered the ball and got it stolen from Zayn.

Luke was near by and shoved Zayn off of the ball. Luke passed me the ball and I started dribbling it down the field. Once I got the hang of it I was picked up by James and he tossed the both of us to the floor. Harry gained the ball from him and not soon after Tristan jumped on his back, begging for a piggy back ride.

Lou tried to stop us but was having a hard time in doing so. The ones who actually weren't tackled yet ended up tackling each other for no reason. We piled on top of each other sadly I was on the bottom.

After we called the end of the game we decided to go to McDonald's. Which was hard with all the fans but I can tell some fans gave us our privacy. I convinced Michael to go on the playground with me. He looked for me the entire time while I kept hiding in a different spot no more than a minute.

Michael had to call up Tristan and James help to find me. And even had a reward. Which was a mc flurry. I wanted one so bad I slid down the slide right by the table, scaring them.

"Here I am, now where is my mcflurry??" I say shouting.

I ended up never getting the mcflurry. Which means Michael must may be back somehow. Even if it's weird.


It was the middle of the night and we were traveling to another city by bus. I couldn't sleep a minute.

"Tristan?" I whispered hoping not to wake any of the others.

"Hmm?" I hear across from me.

"Can you sleep?" I asked pulling back my curtain.

"No, can I come in the bunk with you?"

"Yes please," I move over and hear him climb out and into my bunk. "Listen," I shove him one of my earbuds and start playing one directions latest album.

"Is this what you've been listening to the past week?" I nod and turn it up. He grabs my phone and turns it down. "I thought I was here to help you fall asleep."

I give him a pout as he just smiles and embraces me in a hug.

Tristan's pov

I missed this. It's been months since I've held her like this. She's even more peaceful when she's sleeping.

Don't leave her, a voice says in my head. I won't, I think back. I've had that same voice say that in my head every night and I always reply with the same answer.

I brush my hand across her cheek, brushing her jawline. She's the one I grew up with, my princess, my world, the reason for living. The promise. I can never tell her how I feel, it'll get to weird between us.

Let's keep it like this, for now.

Authors note

Whahahahahahaha yes I did.

So the beginning was really crappy and had literally no meaning. The end got good, a little.

So I'm currently updating at my grandmas house. Ya had to sleepover here tonight. Not that cool except listening to four which yaus.

I want a writing prompt. I have many journals that are empty and want to fill it with stories. Let's make a story together. Idk how it will work but just an idea. You know what just give me something to write about.

Ask meh questions please.

I want to know what you got for Christmas since well I'm lame and have no life.

Tell me please?????

Okay I'll stop bothering you.


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