Chapter 38

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The next day sucked. A doctor came in early in the morning to check up and me. He ordered for me to move as little as I can. Considering all the injuries I had, my bones are starting to become fragile.

"What could we do? I'm bored." I say trying to annoy Tristan who's sitting next to me.

"Shut up. It hasn't even been ten minutes since the doctor left." I roll my eyes at him and he does the same back.

"Tristan I'm bored." I say again. Trying to hide a smile.

"I swear if you say that one more time-"

"I- am- bored." I couldn't contain my smile as I start giggling. I could tell that Tristan tried to contain a smile but then failed to do so. Breaking a full grin.

"That's it I'm leaving." He starts to get up but I put him back down.

"C'mon let's watch something." I ask with a pout.  He hesitated for a moment before sitting back down.

"Only if you can stop saying you're bored." I grumble before handing him the remote.

He turns it on and starts flipping though. "Wait, go back a channel." I shout at him. The channel was some reality channel with the latest celeb news.

What caught my eye was a photo of the guys. Though when Tristan went back the lady already moved on to some other celebrity.

"You don't need to listen to that news anyways. It's not even news." Tristan says, continuing the search.

"I know, but what I want to know is what they think of us."

"You don't need their approval. I love you, the guys love you. No one else is important because they don't know the real you. They don't see the roller coaster that you live. And to me, that's my favorite part about you. How you can get back up after every dip."

"Thank you," I say pulling him into a hug. I've heard these monologues lots of times from him. But today's is different. It's so different I don't understand what it is.

Finally after five minutes of hugging we finally decided to just watch lilo and stitch on Netflix. Which brings me to a memory, Luke and I out by the fire. That first night they introduced everyone to Tristan and I.

Honestly it was one of the worst nights. But one word from Luke changed all that- Ohana. From that moment forward we were ohana. Maybe a mixed up family, but we are together. I think about what happened after that. The tour, that fight, the surprise.

I think about that first day in the studio. That first encounter with James. I think about the song he recorded for me, the birthday surprise that didn't go so well. That one night where we expressed our feelings.

Which come to think of was the last time I spoke to him. I tried to recall the last time I did actually see him, but I came up with nothing.

"Tristan?" He pauses the movie and turns to me. Dumping the food that was on his lap onto the floor. "When was the last time you saw James?"

"A few months ago why?" He asks.

"I haven't seen him recently. Do you know where he is?"

"Back home," he says before continuing the movie. Ignoring the food scattered across the floor.

"What do you mean back home?" I immediately sit up. Pain racing through my ribs and stomach.

"School started for him and he went back."

"Oh my god, what did I do?" I started to panic, that night.... That night I messed things up. Will he be my friend again? If we still are.

"Calm down. Try calling him. See how he's doing, then go from there" Tristan said being reasonable. I nodded fishing my phone out of my pocket. "I'll go leave you alone."

"No!" I shout trying to grab his sleeve. "Just please stay, for support?" I ask calmly. Tristan nods and leans against the wall. Not the support I wanted but it'll do.

I press on his contact number and hold my breath. Come on, please don't leave me hanging like this.

"Hello?" He picks up and my heart quickly beats faster.

"Uh hi it's been a while, how are you? How's England?" I break a sweat.

"Hi Charlie! It's been terrible not seeing you every day," with those words I felt my heart flutter but that quickly goes away when I look over to Tristan.

"Hey listen, I know this is stupid but can you forgive me about that night? It wasn't the time and I just felt so-" I trailed off hoping for him to accept my apology.

"It's really no problem, I mean it happened a while ago. If you think about it, it was the old us. You get what I'm saying?"

Looking to Tristan I try to find word to say back. He'd help me so much more if he knew about that night. But that won't happen. Which is weird and feels like a really bad secret. We told each other everything, this is the first thing I'm keeping from him.

"Um yes totally I get it." I bite my lip.

"So when are you going to be in London next?" James asks changing the subject.

"Well I'm not really sure. Just have to finish up the U.S. leg of the tour." I look at Tristan and shoo him away. Finally comfortable talking with James.

"Let me know and maybe we can all hang out. I can show you the small things that tourists overlook here."

"That'd be great," I reply shying a grin.

"Hey I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to go, talk to you later?" James asks.

"Oh course, talk to you soon." I said, slightly disappointed that this had to end.

We both said byes and hung up. Tristan walks in as soon as I hang up. He must've been listening in to the conversation. But to be honest I felt really good. Knowing we were on good terms.

"You good?" He asks, moving to sit next to me. I nod and we both fall silent.

"I'm going to bed now," I say suddenly. Tristan stands up and follows me to the middle of the bus where the bunks are located. We both part ways to get ready, I finish first and wait for him. Once he comes out of the bathroom I wrap my arms around him.

"It'll be okay," he whispers into my ear. "I love you."

We climb into our bunks and a heavy silence falls between us. Which is soon later replaced by soft snores from Tristan. I lied awake unable to get the conversation out of my head. Soon the conversation haunts my dreams.

Authors note
Holy shit guys I'm sorry for not updating. And then updating with an incredibly shitty chapter.

Anyways sounds good feels good is out today!!!!!!! So proud of them and super excited to follow them in the future. Currently I am listening to the album on Spotify in study hall. To be more specific, Invisible.

Actually the whole reason I updated was for the album so here ya go.

But there's not many chapters left so thank you for reading. Bye

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