Chapter 37

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"I'm sorry but he's your what?" Ashton said in disbelief.

I tried to hold in the tears, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I was scared."

"Hey, we're not worried about that." Michael answers with a calm voice. "Thank you for being honest with us."

"One question, the adoption papers said you were an orphan?" Luke asked.

"He's dead to me," I quickly said. "Yes my mother is dead. She was killed in a car crash just after I was born. It was the two of us on the way home and I somehow survived. Because of that he blames me for her death, but he just recently came into my life a few years ago. By then I already moved on by that fact that I had no father either."

They all nodded in understanding and I tried to sit up on the couch. Slowly I moved up, blood rushing to my head. Spots danced around my vision when I collapsed back.

"Hey don't force yourself." Ashton said readjusting the now melted ice pack.

It's quiet for a few more minutes before someone clears their throat. "I think we should uh go see if we need to talk to management," Luke said standing up.

The others agreed, and got up one by one to leave. Ashton came around the couch to hug me. "You're not alone," he whispers into my ear. I hold back the tears as I nod into his shoulder. He kisses my forehead and heads out, following the others.

As soon as the door closes I burst into tears. Arms wrap around me, I lean into him and we sit in silence.

"You did what you needed to do," he says, releasing from the hug.

"Did I even have a choice to tell them the truth?" I ask jokingly while wiping the tears away with my arm.

"No you really didn't have a choice."

"I just feel like I put everyone in danger." I confessed while I went to get a bottle of water.

"You don't put anyone in danger. In fact, by confessing that they now can find more answers." He says assuring me.

I take a sip of water and make a slight laugh at the moment we're having. Seems like we're too young to be talking about these things. But to be honest we've been talking about this our entire life.

The door opens, breaking our sibling moment. The boys walk in with their manager trailing behind who is talking on the phone. All of them with solemn faces.

"Yes, I will have the flight booked tonight. Alright thank you, good night."

He ended the call and I said the first thing that popped into my head, "are you sending us home?"

Michael wraps his arms around me, "no sweetie, we're not."

"We're sending you to you're worst nightmare, Whahahahah." Calum says in an evil voice. Everyone goes quiet and stares at him. I could tell from the others looks that they're having a silent conversation.

From the top of my head Michael shakes his head no as if saying, don't go on. You've done enough.

We all stare at Calum for a while longer before Ashton clears his throat. "But uh we might cancel the show tonight-"

"No, no you are not going to cancel the show." I practically shout to everyone. "I don't care the security risks, but please don't let the fans down. Add more people in the gates of you have to."

Instead of having his arms wrapped around me in a hug. Now Michael is lightly restraining me, trying to keep me calm.

They give glances to each other. And I wait for my plea to have an answer. "I guess it would be silly if we canceled the show this close." I sighed in relief and said a quiet thank you. "However," Adam continues. "You and Tristan must be with a body guard at all times. Only to be permitted in this room, backstage and the bus during the concert."

"I understand."

"Alright then, wait here until I get you somebody. Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton please go get hair done." Adam finishes up and leaves. Leaving us staring at the space he just occupied.

"Alright then." Calum says standing up from the couch.

"Good luck tonight." Tristan says giving Ashton one of those friendly-bro-five.

"Be careful, stay out of trouble." Luke said pointing a finger in my direction. I put up my hands in defense.

"We love you guys." Ashton calls out as they leave the room.

I collapse onto the couch and scream in frustration. Ignoring the pain from my bruises. Looking over to Tristan I find him in deep concentration.

"Are you okay?" I ask sitting up.

He blinks out of his stare. "I think there is something going on with them. You're right, and it got confirmed by that phone call. We just have to find out."

"Let's not worry about it." I tried to ignore it as much as I could the entire night, but the phone call haunted me to where I couldn't sleep.

Authors note
Hiya sorry this sort of short but idk. Please enjoy the wonderful photo of Calum at the Cleveland concert this past Friday. And let me just say they are fantastic. Can't wait for next year.

Another thing is that this story is almost done so please feel free to follow me if I choose to have a sequel or you want to read more of my writing in the future.

To all who are starting school this week or already has. Good luck to you all. I myself started last week and it's terrifying. Since I'm now at the high school. Though I do have my first football game Friday. And I do think it's me first football game ever.

Loves Arkansas

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