Chapter 10

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Everything that happened when I officially woke up was a blur. Lots of doctors came and asked questions and checked up on me. I tried to rest when one leaves but there's always another one coming in.

What's even worse is that the boys are constantly by my side. Ready to jump for anything relating to me. They say I have to stay for one more night. Apparently for some testing.


"Charlie, the doctors are done. Would you like to go home?" Michael's sweet voice sang me out of my dreams.

I roll over to the other side of the hospital bed not wanting to be bothered. "C'mon it's almost 3 in the afternoon. Your not allowed to break my sleeping record."

"Ugh fine," I say as I roll over to face him.

"Here's some clothes. We picked it out, and by we I mean Luke and Ashton."

"Should I be worried?" I grab the bag out of his hands and look in. "Are you fucking kidding me? A dress?" Michael brings out another bag from behind him. Grabbing it from him I look inside to find my lazy clothes. Also known as a sweatshirt and skinny jeans. "Thank you. I can't believe those jerks tried to do that."

"I know and I'll make this promise to you know. If and when you wear a dress I will wear one too." Michael looked serious when saying so I thought he was kidding for a moment.

"You're serious?"

"Serious. Now go change they're waiting to see you at home." I can tell he was trying to hide a smile but I didn't ask.

When I went into the bathroom I took a good look at my body and started to cry. I looked terrible, with sunken eyes and ribs sticking out. Yes I should be happy finally looked like this, but the last time I was this skinny my life turned upside. My life started to get in line right now I don't want someone colored out of the line.

I change quickly and avoid the mirror, happy to finally get out of the stupid hospital gown.

"You ready?" Michael asked when I opened the door. I nodded quietly avoiding his gaze.

The elevator ride down I couldn't take it any more. I leaned into Michael's chest, letting the tears fall. "Shh it's okay. I know it's hard."

On the way home we were both silent with the occasional sniffle from my nose. Then Michael's phone goes off when we were a block away.

(Bolded is Michael, - is the other person on the phone)

L: Hey we're almost home. You ready?
Why are you asking if I'm ready?
okay fine I'm ready. See you soon bye Luke."

They can be such dicks sometimes. "Sometimes?" I mutter to myself  letting out a slight laugh. It was nice to laugh again. Everything melts away for a few seconds. Makes you want to laugh forever. Must be why people like to get drunk.

We pulled into the driveway or at least tried to. Cars were lined up and down the street. "I'm so going to kill them." Michael muttered.

"What the hell, if this is for me." I stared at the cars in disbelief.

"Maybe." Michael trailed off meaning this party or whatever was going on inside was indeed for me.

When I walked in there was many faces I didn't recognize. I trailed closely behind Michael into the kitchen. There I finally saw somebody I knew.

"Charlie!" Tristan shouted to me from across the hall. The room got quiet as he ran to me. Or at least trying to with the wood floors and socks.

"Tristan," I laugh when he finally gets to me. "How can this for me?" He pulls me into this gigantic hug squishing my bones.

"Well um I guess it's a get well party and a way to introduce us as well." He says unsurely.

"Thank you." I finally let go of him to give Ashton a hug. Despite seeing them only last night it felt like forever.

"Cmon lets go introduce you to everyone." Ashton dragged me away from Tristan and Michael.

He guided me to the living room where an even more abundance of people were standing throughout. Doing a quick head count, my stomach did a flip.

There's no way I'm going to get through all of this, I thought to myself.

"Hi Ashton! This must be Charlie." We walk up go a group of guys who look strangely familiar.

"Hi guys, and yes this Charlie." I started to shake their hands one by one. "Charlie, this is Zayn, Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall. Also known as one direction."

"Thanks of inviting us even though it was last minute. Always love seeing you guys." One of the guys said, who I think was Liam.

"Haven't seen you much since the tour," Niall said.

"Anyways well I'll talk to you guys later. I got to introduce Charlie to everyone else." Ashton said.

I smiled to them as ashton lead me to another group. This went of for a while until I ventured off by myself when Ashton was talking.

I found myself outside. There was a fire going in the backyard with nobody around. I took advantage of the quiet outdoors compared to the loud noise inside.

I tried to tend the fire, but was harder than I thought so I just left it.

"I didn't know you were out here." I jumped out of my seat on the grass. Someone said scared me from behind. I look back to find Luke. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine. Just out here thinking." I poke the dying embers for fun.

"Here I'll fix it for you," he takes the pointy thing out of my hands. "You okay?" he asks after fixing the fire.

"Hmm? Oh yes I'm glad to be home and out of the hospital." I sigh and add, "again."

"Are you sure?"

I turn to face him. His blue eyes glowing from the fire. The concerned look makes me want to confess all of my thoughts. "Do I really deserve this?"

"Deserve what? The party? Of course you deserve it."

"Luke, not what I mean." I face back to the fire so he wouldn't see me cry.

"What do you mean?"

"Yes the party included, but everything the adoption and everything leading up to this."

"You deserve everything. The new loving family you have. To the even bigger family than you imagined. Because well our fans are our family. you might've not deserved the coma, but I know you're stronger now that you've gone through that."

"Thank you," I whispered as I hugged Luke. Lately I needed lots of hugs it really does make things better.

"Ohana means family and family doesn't get left behind or forgotten." Luke whispered into my ear.

"Really?" I laughed while letting go of the hug.

"Why not is the question." My new family can make anybody feel better in a second which is amazing. "C'mon lets go inside they might be looking for us."

Authors note

Omg look guys it's a chapter!!!!!

I can't believe it's a chapter!!!

Hopefully it means more updates coming soon. Though the rest of the year is really busy.

For example I have my 8th grade dc trip coming in about a month. Though hopefully I'm able to write to and from on the 8 hour bus ride. Um let's see I'm going to disney world in 2 months so hopefully I'm done by then but this is a heads up for my next book.

So an amazing era ended I think yesterday? It was the last time 5sause is opening for one direction. Off to do their own tour. Starting with Mexico City. I remember when they announced it.

Okay I'll shut up now.

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