Chapter 7

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It's been a week and a half since the boys left for their tour. We all miss them like crazy. Tristan and I end up in our rooms for most of the day. Coming out to get food or when Liz needs us.

I feel like our friendship is falling apart. At dinner we only give each other a nod of greeting and an occasional pass this or pass that.

"Guys come down here. You're coming with me." Liz shouts from downstairs. It was a nice day and we were both in our rooms. I didn't know what Tristan was doing but all day I was reading.

We both came out at the same time. I gave him a shrug mentally saying to just go with it. Liz stood there at the bottom of the stairs waiting.

"Let's go, c'mon." she motioned out the door and we followed her. I ended up in the backseat with Tristan in front.

I kept my head down the entire time. Not bothering to look up until we got there.

"This is the park?" Tristan said as we were getting out.

Liz stayed in her seat not turning off the car. She locked the car when I closed my door.

"I'm sorry I have to do this but ever since I met you both of you have been drifting apart. You can either start walking home now or walk around the park then go. Please say everything that's on your mind. I'll be back home in about two hours." Liz paused to put the car in drive. "Oh and the house is unlocked."

I couldn't believe it, she drove off and left us there at the park. Ignoring Tristan I went and sat down on a park bench. Maybe I'll stay here the entire time because I don't think either of us know the way home.

Tristan started to walk away from me. Looking like he was going to walk home by himself.

"Where are you going," I snap at him. He turns around quickly, looking startled. I saw that he was staring at me thinking about his choices. Well he was looking at me but not directly at me.

Ignoring what I had to say Tristan turned around and started walking again. I felt betrayed, just like my family. He was my only family for years. Knew all of my secrets and it feels like this is goodbye.

I quickly made my decision and chased after him. When I caught up to him he ignored me and I grabbed his left arm. Immediately resulting in him pulling away.

His face had a look of pain as if I hurt him. Puzzled for a moment I soon realized what had happened.

That was why he was being so distant, always in his room. Secretly doing this to himself.

"You promised," I shout at him. "We promised. And apparently we are not worth a promise." I stand there for a second staring at him. Hoping that it would soon sink in.

"I- Charlie," I couldn't hear what he said after because I broke into a full run. My legs lead the way while by brain was somewhere else.


I woke up screaming from another nightmare. My adopted mom quickly trying to calm me down before her husband could wake up and hear.

It was hopeless as he woke up and got angry. Angry standards for him meant full out beating to anybody and anything.

I was always his first victim. Just barely four and I had more bruises, cuts and broken bones than somebody in a deadly car accident. Since he's always have done it since I remember. Making me think that all daddy's did what this one did to me.

I never had nothing personal of mine. He destroyed anything that wasn't broken. There was a lot of things that he destroyed for no reason.

I remember after that beating one of our neighbors from next door came into the apartment. When she came it was almost twelve in the afternoon and I had spent all night huddled in a corner of a closet.

Immediately she called the police and I was taken away to the hospital. For many months I was stuck there in the same hospital bed. Tubes and many other things were sticking out of me.

It was traumatic for a four year old to go though. What make it even worse it that no one visited me. I befriended the nurses who took care of me.

A couple of days later a nurse came in and she looked like she was crying. Turned out my adopted dad murdered his wife and then killed himself after. Leaving me without anything to go to when I was released. Except for back to the orphanage.

Months passed and I was finally released. So I ended up in the orphanage again. Traumatic and afraid I didn't talk to anybody for about a year. Not even Tristan who tried to play no matter how much I turned away. And nobody wanted me if I didn't talk.

I continue to run with tears running down my face. My legs where taking me somewhere safe or at least so I hoped. My eyes stung and I couldn't see.

I make out of what looks like our house. Remembering Liz had the door unlocked I ran and flew inside. Feeling in my legs were starting to come back and they hurt. My hand grasped around a drawer handle.

I could see though my own eyes what was happening, but I couldn't control it.

Running to my bathroom, locking both my bedroom and bathroom door make me feel safe as I cut them open. Pain surged though my arm, blood dripping onto my jeans. I held back a scream. A little too late I realized that I cut too deep.










Authors note

Isn't that two days in a row?? idk I forget but if it is Whoo for me!!

If you cried a little bit that's okay because I did a bit while writing.

Sorry the flashback sucks. I want to have so much from her past written but it turns into mumble jumble.

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