Chapter 15

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The plane landed many hours later and I could barely stand from sitting so long. We didn't have much time to look around because they had a sound check before an interview.

Tristan and I didn't have much choice except say in the bus the entire time. Which I'm already claustrophobic about. Even with Tristan and I only in it.

We weren't doing much except I was playing guitar and he was playing videogames. "How did you get so good for videogames?" I asked him while strumming randomly.

"Michael wouldn't let me go until there was another master in da house." He replied with the last part in quotation marks.

I continue to strum while he continues to play. Soon I'm sitting watching him kill people on a screen. He puts his arm around me and then continues to play.

A few minutes later the boys come in to see me laying against Tristan with his arm around me. "You guys ready for the interview?" Ashton asks sitting on top of me.

"Us? Um if you mean by standing on the side watching then yes." Tristan answers, pausing the game.

"Then you aren't ready," said Calum.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask sitting up after ashton moved off of me.

"You guys didn't know you're in the interview too?" Ashton creases his forehead in frustration.

"Oh um guys. You're going to be in the interview today." Says Michael shouting from the kitchen.

"There's you're answer. Better not trust Michael anymore with messages." Tristan says laughing it off.

A beep came from Ashton's phone meaning he got a text. "From Adam and John. Be ready in 5."


"Let's give a big applause for 5 seconds of summer!" The announcer said as we are signed to go on.

Millions of girls shouted and I tensed up a bit. "It's okay we're here with you." Tristan whispered into my ear.

We took our seats and the interviewer asked the first question. "Welcome to the show guys. How are you?"

They all answer and I stay quiet, not being used to crowds and people.

"And who are these young lads?"

"This is Tristan and Charlie our adoptive kids." Luke says. I perk up at my name then focus out again knowing the interview is for them.

"Charlie I hear you had some problems getting used to the new change. Are you adjusting now?" That question brought me back down to earth and kept going to below.

I stuttered a bit before Tristan spoke up for me, "yes we had some problems but alright now." I mouth a thank you to him while the camera was on the interviewer.

They continue to ask about their nominations and what they would be playing for the the awards show. I play with my fingers and think about that question. Why would they ask that? I tried to hold in the tears until after the interview. Not even a minute later and only half way though I jump up and run off stage. I don't care where I would go just not in front of any cameras.

My legs carried me off to a hallway somewhere in the studio. "Whoa calm down, are you alright sweetie?" I hear a mans voice and someone grabs my arm. I try to pull away but he's too strong.

"Charlie?" I knew that voice it was very familiar but wasn't one of the guy's. Nor was it Tristan's. Turning my head I see James standing in a doorway. "I saw what happened. Come here."

"Who's he?" I nod to the big guy holding onto my arm.

"He's Pete, a bodyguard for one direction." I nod again as he lets go of my arm. Quickly I run into James arms and cry, the stupid careless crying that I do all the time.

"Shhh cmon in here." He leads me into the room. There was a couple of couches and a TV with the interview on. Ashton and Tristan were missing from the picture. Probably looking for me.

They continued like nothing happened. Or at least that's what the interviewer looked liked. The others looked scared and wanted to get it over with.

The next thing I see on the screen was blackness. I look over to see James with the remote in his hand. "Let's ignore them." I stand there in silence as he sits on one of the couches. "Please don't listen to them they'll never know."

"How do I know if you're like them. The ones who don't know about me?" I ask frustrated, breaking into tears again.

"Because I'm here right now talking to you. While the producers continue like nothing has happened." He stands up and gives me another hug while I continue to cry. What else am I supposed to do right now except to cry?

The door banged open, turning I see Ashton. He looked so scared, so worried for me. Ashton walked in and he also gave me a hug.

"They were so stupid to ask that fucking question. Please don't do that again. Please?" I nod silently into his chest.

"You found her?" Tristan's voice came from behind ashton. I realize too many people are here to see me so open to emotions. I can't do this again. "Cmon interview's over lets go."

I follow Tristan and ashton quietly back to the bus. The others were there waiting for us. I was greeted once again with hugs.

"It's my fault," I hear ashton whisper when we get back on the bus. "It would've never happened if I suggested they come on with us."

"No it's not, you had no idea they were going to ask questions like that." I hear Calum's voice come from the kitchen.

"They're not ready," Luke says.

"No she's not ready. There's too much that happened to her for them to ask questions about that yet." Ashton's voice rang out.

I tried to hide from their voices but it's hard in the bus. My phone beeped signaling a text from James:

Are you okay now?

A silly question but I answer anyways.

Getting there.

My mind wanders bringing me back to the part where one directions bodyguard grabs me.

Why were you there at the studio?

He replied a few seconds later with something about his uncle. We keep texting luckily nobody fells like bothering me in the couch area. Pretty soon I fall asleep, which make me unable to read the last text from James.

You're awesome you know that?

Authors note

I didn't mean for this to get like this. Or even to post a chapter tonight.

So Ya not much to say except happy thanksgiving for people in America!! Tell me what you're doing pwese.

I'm hoping I can post another chapter over the five day weekend. And then another one before I go on vacation. Hopefully I'm not bothered with my cousins while I'm writing at night. Yes I'm sharing a room with them, not fun. But ergh so excited.

Anyways one again love Ya.

Don't do anything stupid *cough belle cough*

And happy birthday to you

If it's not you're birthday happy unbirthday!!!!

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