Chapter 31

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James comes back in with a happy grin, "all good." I smile at him as he sits down next to me. "Hey um, mind if I change the channel?" I shake my head no as he grabs for the remote.

I tune out the skipping of channels. It's crazy, I think to myself. So many people care about me. If I leave them now I'll hurt them more. I can tell the drugs start to work it's amazing magic as I drift off into darkness.

Chapter 31

It's been a few weeks and the only thing I've seen was the tour bus walls. Instead of cabin fever, I have bus fever. My body is perfectly fine except I still have to wear the boot for another week. The only bad thing about it is that the guys are still overprotective about it. I'm not allowed to walk around the arena without them fretting about it. So I decide to stay in.

Finally today is the first opportunity they're giving me to go out. Granted it'll still be very protective but it's better than the bus.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Tristan asks me. I look up from my book and nod with a big grin. He smiles back and reaches out for my hand. I reach out and grab it.

Looking around I realize that walls suddenly look bigger than normal. Did they actually change the size of the bus or am I just so happy? I silently say good bye to those walls. For they won't protect me much anymore.

Wait, these walls are protecting me. I stop mid-step just about to leave the living area. My eyes dart side to side looking at each wall many times. I can't do this. These walls have protected me for the past few weeks. Nothing has happened here. Nobody here to attack, nobody to send out fake information on social media.

"Tristan, I can't do this," I say suddenly dropping my hand to my side. Suddenly I realize I had to chance to go out and do something but I knew what was going to happen if I did. I realize that there was nobody stopping me except for me. I blamed it on everyone else.

"Charlie tell me what wrong."

"I can't go. I'm comfortable here, it's safer than out there." My eyes start to get watery and he starts to give me a hug. "Nobody can protect me out there. No matter how many people there are being security guards, it won't help."

"Charles, listen to me. How many times have I been out there with you? You're still here, I'm still here. Right by your side. We even are apart of a family now." He shouts that pretty loudly as I laugh a bit. "I'm here every single day, please don't you ever forget that." It takes all my strength to hug him harder instead of crying more.

"Is everything alright here? We have to go in five." Michael asks walking in to interrupt.

"Ya everything's fine," I say trying to hide up the truth by wiping my tears up.

"Please tell Michael Charles, he probably should know a bit." I look up to Tristan and over to Michael.

"I- I'm not coming with you guys today." I feel so weak and feel like such a let down. "I feel safer here."

"Charlie," Michael finally says after a slight pause. "We all feel safer here, sometimes I feel even safer when I'm with the fans. Even makes my day better."

I stare at the ground comparing my best up chucks with Michael's shinny new ones. My careless thoughts ignore the ongoing conversation in front of me.

"Guys we go to go." Adam yells from the front of the bus.

"Charlie grab a sweatshirt. I'm sorry, but your going." Michael says with a harsh voice. I'm so surprised by his tone that I instantly do what he says.

Silently I grab one and slip it on. We walk though a quiet bus and were the last ones to leave.

We walked out of the bus and I instantly started to have a mini attack. Yes, I was beyond excited to leave the bus but it felt so awkward and roomy in the open air.

Michael walked quickly in front of me. While Tristan was beside me with his arm wrapped around my waist. I could tell both of them were trying to watch everyone's every move, making sure I'd be okay.

As we got to the door I brought up my hood just as a precaution. My eyes reverted down to look at my shoes as we walked outside. I don't look up at my surroundings but I hear the busy crew trying to get ready.

"Finally, we're almost five minutes late!" Adam says to us as we climb in. There's an empty seat in the back and I grab it, hoping I can stay away from the sympathetic stares.

I looked out the window feeling terrible because the driver was in such a hurry to get out. On the way there I avoided the conversation about these random things and the photos that were being taken.

I guess I've zoned out so much I never realized when we got there. "Charlie, we're here. Charlie." Tristan repeated to me over and over.

"I'm sorry," I mutter quickly, unbuckling and getting out as fast as I can.

We follow a security guard to a room when the guys were just leaving it. Michael grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "C'mon I want to sit next to you." He lead me out of the room leaving Tristan behind.

So for most of the interview I stood behind them, being in the way of everything. And when it was over I wanted to leave as soon as I can. Sadly if there's an interview it also meant that there was a meet and greet session.

Again staying off to the side watching everyone have fun taking photos. I even got into a few, but they don't know that so don't tell them. Today was just an overall boring and usual day in a life.

"Charlie, since its been a while. How about you come see the show tonight?" Ashton asks before leaving to get ready.

"I'd- uh Ya I'd like that." I say, giving him a small smile.

He recognizes my tone and gets concerned. "Hey, please tell me what's up. I want to know you're okay when I go on." I sigh debating whether to tell him or not. "I've been through similar things and if you need anything just please please please tell someone." He gives me a hug and kiss on the head. "All good kiddo?"

I can only not knowing that if I speak I'll end up spilling it.






Authors note

Oh my gosh I am so sorry this had taken so long!!!

I've just felt really bad lately and never had the interest in writing at all. And I'm sorry if this incredibly boring but I'm just getting used to writing again.

Anyways I thought of some awesome stuff coming up and can't wait to write more. Well I'll try my best to write and update. Not only for you but because it does make me happy too.

Love ya

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