Chapter 40

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Author's note:
Instead of a Mickey Mouse necklace it's shaped like a heart.
Sorry for the change.

For a few hours I was alone in the dressing room doing whatever. To be honest I didn't feel alone at all- that much. But it wasn't until an hour so before the concert when somebody came in.

"Oh there you are Charlie. Wait, were you in here all day?" Michael asks, walking over to plug in his phone.

"Um ya this morning Tristan and I told you we were going to be in here watching movies all day."

"Oh I guess I forgot about that. Anyways do you know where he is?"

I look at him wanting to say that I do know but I'm at a loss for words. "I don't."

"Well last I saw him he was sitting near the nose bleeds in the arena. But before you go I want to ask you something." He takes a seat down next to me and gets all serious. "He looked like he was deep in thought. And I know that he only does that when he's thinking about something or someone he cares deeply of. I have a feeling you know why."

I look down at my hands trying not to cry. "I asked some questions he wasn't ready to answer. When Tristan refused answer, he stormed off."

"Is there a reason you asked that?" Michael asked me, trying to understand.

"I wanted to know he trusts me. But now he probably trusts me even less." I get bored looking at my hands so I start playing with the necklace.

"Is this what this is about? Sweetie, are you on your period? There's nothing to get upset about over trust." I snap my head up to see him trying not to laugh at this situation. Which makes me realize I opened up to the wrong person.

"Oh my god Michael," I say shooting off of the couch. "Why would you say that?"

"Yup you're on your period. But anyways, trust doesn't matter if he's there for you. Honestly that necklace explains everything." Michael says pointing out the necklace. "Hopefully Tristan proved himself to you of his loyalty today."

"I guess I didn't realize it today. Thank you Michael." I reach in for a hug, mentally gaging because he's slightly sweaty from sound check.

"You better go see if he's still there." Michael states pulling out of the hug.

"You right." I reply running out of the dressing room.

I go straight up to the top. Appearing to the highest area closest to the stage. The tech guys are on stage working on a few things before show time. Glancing around I marvel over how many people the arena can fit each night. Then I spot him from across the way.

I can't really tell what he's doing so that's a sign that he hasn't found me either. I checked the section he's in so I don't over shoot from where he is. So I turn around groaning and start walking towards Tristan. Once again I looked at the section but from where I am this time.

I causally speed walked to his section, every so often looking at the number printed on the walls. Finally I found it, taking a breath before going in.

Walking in the tunnel I was mesmerized by the arena again but I quickly shook that out of my mind. Looking left and right I found him a row directly from where I was.

Silently I moved into the row. Trying to surprise him, but knowing me I was able to run into a cup holder. Which snapped loudly and made Tristan turn.

"Fuck," I whisper under my breath. Quickly trying to put it back together. One it was somewhat back together I turned back to Tristan.

He was smiling at me with amusement in his eyes. "Can't be stealthy can you?"

"Oh my god, fuck no." I swore, agreeing with him.

I sat down next to him and debated at what my next words would be. Finally after a few moments I broke the silence. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asks, turning his head to me.

"For trying to make you into a diamond. I pressured you into saying something you weren't ready to say yet. But you're always there for me at my weakest moments. I wanted you to know and understand that I'm here too. For you." I continue staring ahead at the stage while the tech team starts working on the graphics.

"Is this what this is about? Charles you don't have to prove yourself to me. I know that you're always there for me." He wraps his arm around me, pulling me in for a hug. "Seems to me you're trying to prove something to yourself."

"One question, why where you up here all day after you left?"

"I-I needed to think by myself and this was the first place I thought of." From the sound of his voice I could tell that there was more, but I let it slide. Knowing how this morning went.

"I just want you to know that I'm here." I tell him as we both give each other a warm smile. "Forever." I laugh ferociously which in return I get an eye roll.

"C'mon we better get back to the dressing room before they open up the doors." Though just as he said it a few fans appeared one section below us.

"Now what?" I ask him.

"This better not be like when we went to the mall." He said grabbing my hand and pulled me to the nearest exit. We quickly navigated through the fans going opposite directions. Pausing a few times to say hi to people who recognized us. Finally we got to backstage, all out of breath. 

The guys found us just as they were about to get ready for the show. Everyone except Michael asked where we were. But before they kicked us out he pulled me over. "Looks like you two made up." He said smiling to me. "Just don't ever let go of each other. I've let too many slip away." And with that they were directed to the final prep for the show.

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