Chapter 13

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The past month was busy. I was either at the studio or radio stations promoting the concert.

Yes I love the boys but how do they deal with this everyday?

Tristan and I have been getting close to James a lot recently. He's so much cooler one you get to know him.

James got this intern thing from his uncle who is Paul, one directions manager. He knows his away around because this is where he comes everyday after school since his parents died. James says the music and everything that has been going on has helped him.

That connection to me helped me loosen up to him a little bit more. Considering I have no idea who or where my real parents are. And music is helping me though everything.

"Hey pass the rice please." Calum said to Zayn. We were currently eating dinner at the studio because we need to cram lots of things in for the tour.

"Alright in five minutes my band will record some stuff while the other will sign for promos." Adam said to everyone. Groans came from Michael who was very into his Chinese food.

"James you can go home if you want. I think you're done for the day." Paul said to James.

"Thanks but I think I'll stay for a little while, I want to get a tune recorded that I have in mind." James turned to me as my green blue eyes looked into his green ones. "Hey do you mind helping me record stuff?"

"I don't see that as a problem." I answered cheerfully.

"Great lets go now before they notice." He set down my food and dragged me to the furthest recording booth across the hall. "They'll never find us here."

"Why do you want us to be so secretive?" I asked as he lead me in.

"Because I want to talk, get to know you. I know you and Tristan but I want to know you." Every time he said something he paused then gripped my wrists even harder. Which hurt like hell but I faked the pain with a hard smile.

Finally he let go after I dropped my smile that revealed pain. "I'm sorry about that. If you want we can talk about that when you're ready."

I rub my wrists and give him a passionate smile. "Thanks, I'll remember that." I plop down on one of the comfy chairs scattered around the room. "So you said there was something you wanted to record?"

"Um yes, do you know how to work this?" He asked pointing to the sound board.

"I'm sure I can figure it out with minimal damage." I smiled at him as he grinned even bigger. James went into the booth, grabbing a guitar, then finally giving me the thumbs up for me to record.

Luckily I found the recording button without too much work. Slipping my own headphones on I gave him the okay to start.

His voice was soft when he wanted it to be and strong at the best parts. He controlled it so well and I just fell in love with the song. The lyrics were amazing and relatable. James sang though his heart and touched mine.

By the end of the song I realized I was blushing and tears were rolling down my cheek. I remembered the recording was still on which helped me snap back to reality. I turned it off as he came out of the booth.

"That was amazing." I said as he sat down in one of the chairs. My tears were hard to hide so I just let them be. "How did you come up with the lyrics?"

"Oh um a special someone I know helped inspire this." I smiled at the thought of knowing that person was lucky.

My phone beeped at the wrong moment and one again something has snapped me out of reality. I whispered a sorry to James as I read the message.

Where are you? meet us in lobby soon

"Darn it they're done already. Anyways I better go. It was fun helping you." I grabbed my things and gave him a quick hug.

He tricked me into an even longer hug than I intended. "Might want to think about the lyrics I sang and what I said to you. Might figure out who helped me inspire the song"

"Great, thanks for the tip. I'll see you later." I run down the hall to find everyone waiting for me.

"Hey where were you?" Ashton asked when I came running in.

"Oh um I was helping James with something." I replied, looking over to Tristan I saw he was giving me weird eyes. I rolled mine as he grinned back a cheeky smile.


The car ride home I was silent while I listened to the guys talk about nothing except the tour. If you knew what I had to listen to, you- like me- would be excited for the tour to at least start. Good thing I have to listen to them for only one more week.

When we got home I went right up to my room to get ready for bed. Tristan followed me in eager to ask questions.

"What did you and James do?" he asked jumping onto my bed.

"Stuff," I replied vaguely. Wanting to keep it a memory to myself until I figure out what he said to me.

"What else did you do?" He sounded even more desperate to hear the answers.

"You want to know? Okay fine. I helped him record a song that he wrote."

"And do you know who the song was about?" Seriously why was he asking all of these questions like he would care.

"No he told me to think about the lyrics though." I paused to give him a cold stare. "Why are you asking so many questions about what I did with James? Are you sent here by the boys?"

"Okay fine you caught me. The only thing we did when you were busy was talk about what you might be doing. They're really curious about you and James."

"And I'm guessing you are too?"

"Yes because you are my best friend, my sister." There was the truth, the sweet truth I wanted to hear.

"Are you jealous?" I asked after I sat down on my bed next to him.

"You can say that." Tristan fell back onto the bed letting out a breath held in.

"Don't worry I'll never fall in love or get married if that's what you guys are all afraid of." I say teasing him.

Tristan laughs then pulls me down into a hug. "I'm sure the boys are afraid of that."

"I better go get ready." I pull him into a big hug then stand up to drag him out, so I can change.

"It will become real," he says before I close the door behind me.

I got ready then laid in my bed for a while talking to fans and listening to music. Just as I was about to go to sleep I got this text from a new number.

A work in progress, it read with an attachment in the text. I pressed on the attachment and listened to the thing. It was the song James recorded. It sounded really good.

I continued his text with adding, is never finished. Continuing the conversation I asked how he got my number. My plan to talk to fans for a while turned into an entire night texting James.






Authors note

Lalalala love destroying hearts.

Again super mad that you have to pay for wifi at the hotel. Two nights without wattpad?? Or Internet?? Can't happen.

I said I was going to do a question of the chapter last chapter so let's try it now.

What's your favorite part of what do you enjoyed this story so far??

Please comment I would love to hear feed back.

Anyways love Ya all

will miss you while I'm at dc.

Hopefully I will survive. Though I have a feeling I won't. For multiple reasons

Wish me luck

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