Chapter 32

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So hey guys just to let you know I changed up chapter 27 and so in order for you to understand the rest of the story I suggest you go and reread.

And if you wonder why I changed it, you will find out later. If you get mad many authors change their story many times before they send it off to be published.


I woke up in the middle of the night to a sound. Although I wasn't sure what it was. I tried to fall asleep again but couldn't. My dream is something I wouldn't want to relive. Though I was curious, do they actually think that outside of my nightmare?

I unplug my phone on the side of the wall, unlock it and direct it over to Google. First I searched my name. At the beginning there were a few YouTubes and articles from interviews. As I got deeper the more they knew about me. The horrible memory of the hospital visit came back. The bad interview where I ran off. Then I came to the part that hit me the most. Hate pages.

I clicked on one and started reading. My eyes quickly jumped to bitch and then over to probably paid. I didn't want to read everything so I continued to read the words that were catching my eye.

I decided to go to another page even more curious now. Stuff like mental hospital with that self harm and I have a feeling this is going to end up like Annie, without the happy ending.

My brain kept on pushing my fingers to go though and scroll through more and more hate pages.

My worst nightmare isn't a dream it's real. Yes the things they said are true but do they have to rub it in? Point out to other people my flaws.
I started to bawl my eyes out with all the hate that I read. Where can I get a blade on a tour bus. I need at least one cut maybe a few. Something.

My curtain was pulled back a minute later, revealing a concerned James.
"Charlie, what's wrong." He asked while I just laid there wondering why he was here.

"What are you doing in this bus? Aren't you on the other one?"

"I, ah couldn't sleep." He answered.

"So since you couldn't sleep in your bus you decided to go across a pitch black parking lot and come to this bus?" It's crazy to believe his story. "And why do always come at the worst times?"

"Yes and I don't know. But forget about me or why I'm here. What's wrong?"

"Nothing I was having nightmares." I move my phone further under my pillow. Hopefully he wouldn't notice.

Too late, he grabbed my phone out of my grasp. I pulled my curtain closed before he could see me break down.

It was pulled back a few seconds later. James motioned me to climb out of the bunk. "C'mon lets talk" He says after I have climbed out.

James lead me to the living area. He sits down on one side of the bus and I sit on the other. Obviously annoyed that I'm missing good sleep time. Or that I could've been gone from here by now.

He walks across the bus to stand in front of me, then sitting down next to me embracing me in a big hug.

"Don't listen to them. They're just jealous. They are stupid to think those things. They say that because they're jealous and don't know what you have been though." He lays us down onto the pillows. Still hugging each other, enjoying a familiar embrace. "You know what? I know you and you are the best person I know. The sweetest, most kind, the weirdest one I know. Which is a good thing. Charlie, you are the best. To make you amazing is if you don't listen to them at all."

I snuggled closer to him as we sat together in silence. His presence makes me feel better. James has helped me so much.

"Hey earlier I asked you why you were in this bus instead of yours. You didn't answer, can you tell me now?" I looked up at him to see him staring at the wall. "James? Hello earth to James."

In a quick movement he turned his head down to me and our lips brushed against each others. "That's why I was here." He said when we broke apart.

"I've liked you ever since a couple days after we met. I was just too scared to ask you out. I was going to ask you after the interview but then that turned bad. Then we left for the tour. And that song that you helped me record? It was about you. I didn't care that I just met you a few weeks prior. I wish I could've held you longer after the interview but I had to go. You had to go." He kept rambling off these silly things.

"James I can't do it," I say cutting him off right before he was going to say another word. "I can't be in a relationship with you right now. My important things lie with tristan right now. We're going though something very hard and we need each other. I promise that when this does get sorted out yes, but for now I'm sorry."

I try not to let him notice that I started to cry but I can tell he realized it when he draped his arms around me. "It's okay. But can you promise me when we get to Orlando that we go somewhere as friends?"

I nod wondering what's he thinking there's many theme parks to go and only a few hours.

"Now I can sleep now. I just don't want to go back to my bus."

"Just stay here you goof I'm comfy too." So we did.

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