Chapter 33

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"What are we doing here?" Tristan asked me.

"I have no fucking idea. One minute I was enjoying Cheerios the next I was shoved into this room." I replied, my stomach agreed by growling with hunger.

"If this is their way of saying they don't want us with them they could've just told us." Tristan pulls out his phone and frowns, "great zero bars."

For the next few days the tour is in Orlando, home of many amusement parks. With one direction doing promotional stuff, it means the guys have a few days off to do whatever.

Suddenly the door flew open to reveal the guys rushing into the small room. I glanced at Tristan for a clue, he had the same clueless face as I did.

"Why are you wearing Mickey ears?" Tristan asked. I looked at their heads and in fact they were wearing ear hats.

I glance at Michael, "is that a Cinderella costume, for girls?"

"Um ya," he said looking ashamed. Knowing there was no way out of the costume now.

"Anyways," Calum said piping in the the awkwardness.

He nudges Luke to start, "Tristan and Charlie, you just won the super bowl. What are you going to do next?" Luke shouts into a fairy wand.

Once again we had black faces, not sure what to say or do.

"You're going to disneyworld," Calum whispered into our ears.

"Wait, what?" We both were at a loss for words.

"Disneyworld, as in," Tristan tried answering.

"Hell ya we are!" Michael shouted. The others scream in excitement. Tristan joins in as I stood there dumbfounded.

"Wait," I shouted over their noises. I notice that Luke stops mid thrust, which I don't even want to explain. "When are we going?"

"Oh my god. Right now!" Ashton shouts and pushes everyone to the car waiting outside. "Wait before you get in," he pauses and takes out a pair of ears for one of us. Calum takes out another and places it on my head. I adjust the hat and muttered a thanks, beaming.

I climbed into the car first, "it's really happening," I mutter to myself.

"Ya, it is." Tristan replies from behind me. As I plop down onto the seat I flash a gigantic grin to him.

He knows how much I wanted to go to disneyworld. Ever since I've seen my first movie that's all I've been interested in.


I heard a noise and pretended to be asleep. "I know you're awake," Tristan whispered. Careful not to be too loud. Wouldn't want to get in trouble again.

I smiled then turned around to face the other way. "Alright I'll just leave this here for you." He sets something down onto to the table next to my bed and walks away. "Today was a good day thanks for asking."

"I didn't ask about your day," I called out from under my blanket.

I smiled knowing what he was going to say next, "oh I thought you did."

These same words every night. Along with the occasional gift. Which always get taken away in the morning.

I turned to look at what he put on the table. It was a small Minnie stuffed animal that fit into my hand.

Tristan caught me admiring the child's plush toy, "you like it?"

I grabbed it off of the table and held it. "Ya I really do." I responded. "But why does she have to take it in the morning?"

"It's what she does Charlie, you know that."

"Then why do you still buy things, knowing it'll be taken away in the morning?"

"She can't stop me from buying things," he grinned, climbing up to his bunk.

"Goodnight," I whisper to Tristan, setting the plush onto the table.

"'Night," Tristan replied, turning off the lamp.

I muttered a bye to Minnie.

"Look up," Tristan said snapping me out of my day dream.

I look up and spot a monorail going past us. Ashton had his phone pointed to the monorail was probably making a Twitter video of it.

We stopped at the transportation and ticket center so we can board a different monorail.

Everyone was looking around in awe of the exciting atmosphere. I say many kids wearing princess and pirate costumes. Parents already tired from the late night and early morning, all ready for another day.

"C'mon," Luke says leading everyone to the entrance of the monorails. A few minutes later we were seated on our way to the magic kingdom.

"Please stand clear of the doors. Por favor, alejado de las puertas." The recorded voice recited. The doors closed and we were on our way.

The recorded voice kept going through the spiel. Saying how on our left was a man made lake called seven seas lagoon. We went through a hotel and came out to a beautiful view of the castle and space mountain.

The monorail came to a stop and everyone started to crowd out. The guys were all talking about something random like always. Which I was glad I wasn't a part of it. Because at this moment I was a kid again, but with parents.

We all moved over to the line to get in. When Tristan was next in line Ashton realized we needed tickets to get in.

"Oh, sorry here you go," he said handing the hard cards out.

Tristan went through and I was next. I scanned my card against the Mickey thing. It glowed green and I was in.

"Have a magical day," the cast member standing there said.

Once everyone was through I practically ran through the train station, and skipped over the attraction posters.

I looked back to find them all far behind from where I was. "C'mon your slowness can't last all day!" I shout to them.

They soon catch up to me as we get our first glimpse at the castle. Tristan slings his arm around my shoulder, "wow, we're here."

I hold and his hand and replies, "wow we are here."

Authors note

Wow I'm so fucking sorry for not updating in a month or so. Maybe even more.

Anyways I'm on summer break and honestly it sucks. I don't want to wake up at 5 in the morning tomorrow for swim practice. But it's just not that. Everything sucks.

Just to let you know I am a Disney freak and will have pretty accurate descriptions of the parks. And plus some extra facts in there.

Like for example cast members are what they call the people who work there. And the lagoon in front of the magic kingdom is really man made. Just small things like that.

Hope you enjoy the next few chapters because writing them will bring me such happiness because well it's Disney!!!

Thanks and if you have any questions please comment or message me!

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