Chapter 18

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"I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. I wanted to see you and text you but my uncle suggested not to even though I knew you were fine about it. And- I missed talking to you so much." James wrapped his arms around me and we hugged. He kissed my head, and hugged me once more.

"Ahem dressing room is over there." Luke's voice came from behind me. I jumped at his voice on stage.

I flipped him off and strutted away to go back to the dressing room.

I wasn't able to see James with a very shocked and red face standing in the same spot.

"Hey Tristan," I say as I walk in. He motions to sit next to him. I grab my phone then take the invitation.

Scrolling through social media I see a lot about the photos the guys posted of Michael and I. Tristan put his arm around me and still held his phone with two hands. It felt like he was choking me but he wasn't.

Both of us chilled there till the guys were done with soundcheck and grabbed lunch before the red carpet.

"Are you ready for you're first red carpet?" Ashton asks us in the limo. I can already hear all of the cameras and people shouting for stars attention.

Looking over to Ashton I give a big smile, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Someone opens the door up for us and I wasn't prepared for everything. First was the loud noise. Second was the bright flashing lights, which was on top of the sunny Los Angeles sun.

We all climb out one by one until everyone is out and on the carpet. The photographers shout out names asking for poses and interviews. I tried to listen to some of the questions they were asking, but they kept talking over each other.

I was able to make out some personal questions and one odd one that I really wanted to answer. The guy repeated the question again, once I walked up to him. "What's the story behind Michael in a dress?"

"Well um it all started when I was leaving the hospital..." I continued the story and finished it quickly so we can move on.

The rest of the red carpet was a blur. As soon as we got into the theater I had no idea what exactly just happened.

An usher lead us to our reserved seats near the stage just incase they win something. Adam came by to go over what will happen when they preform. Which only about the 10th time he talked it over with them.

The lights dimmed and a camera man was counting down. He screamed action and the host walked out doing the monologue.

It's crazy to think about what happened in a few months. It's so close to being six months with them as my family. Can't believe that I didn't fuck up yet. Well I did but they actually forgave me.

The award show was really fun. Seeing all of these stars happy and having fun together. Oh and I got to meet imagine dragons who were sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!!!!

"Next up presenting our award for breakout artist of the year is the star of the fault in our stars, anzel elgort."

Michael leans over to me and whispers into my ear. "We're nominated for this award you know."

"And 5 seconds of summer." Anzel says when announcing the nominees. The camera is in front of them getting a shot. "The winner is, 5 seconds of summer."

As soon as that sink in to everyone it was a crazy mad house. Mainly in our row and area, but it was crazy. The guys went up on stage and did their wonderful thank you speech.

"We want to thank the fans mainly because we wouldn't be here if we weren't popular in Sweden in the early years." Ashton said finishing up his part of the speech.

"I want to thank my mom," was all luke said.

"Once again I want to thank the crew behind the scenes and the fans and the one direction lads. Everybody is awesome I love you all." Calum did his part then backed away for Michael's thank you's.

"I want to thank everybody that the guys already said. But most importantly I want to thank our adopted kids. I say adopted cause I don't want to feel old." That little joke got a nice laugh from the audience. "They are the best thing that happened. The weirdest, most coolest challenge we took up. Love you Tristan an Charlie." A cameraman comes to our seats and gets a good view of us as they walk backstage.

The director yells cut and we go to commercials. We wait the few minutes of commercials while the set crew make sure everything is ready for the next performance. To be honest with only Tristan and I sitting here it feels really lonely.

"Hey anyone sitting here?" A voice came from beside me. I look to my left to see James standing there in a nice suit.

"Hey come on and sit with us." Tristan said to James. He sat in the middle of us and engaged in a conversation with Tristan. Which ended quickly one they were done with the commercials.

The night flew by and it was finally time to see the guys preform. Of course like always they rocked it. I can see everyone was singing along which was even better to watch.

The night ended very late. Practically in the next morning. The guys ended up going to a bunch of parties while Tristan, James and I parties our own way with pizza and videogames. I ended up falling asleep with my feet on James's lap and my head on Tristan's lap.

"Hey guys anyone still awake?" I wake to the sound of a giggly Ashton being carried in by Calum. Luke was struggling to put a sleeping Michael into his bunk.

"You guys are so fucking cute together. All of you." Ashton giggles then collapses under Calum and falls asleep.

"As you can tell somebody had one too many drinks." Tristan said to Calum when he went to help put Ashton into his bed.

"Alright guys go to sleep we'll see you in the morning." Calum says closing the door behind him. He peeks his head in again, "and James I sent your uncle a text he knows where you are tonight."

James muttered a thanks then got settled on the couch. "Whoa you're not going to sleep on the couch. I'll sleep here I'll let you have my bunk. Oh and no buts I'm being nice, take that offer now or else."

He gave me a look at first then left to hopefully sleep in my bunk. I got comfy myself on the couch and feel asleep quickly.

Authors note

Yay a chapter!!!!!

Sorry it's so lame and short. But don't worry good stuff happening soon.

So if this story gets to 15k I'll do a face reveal. Idk what made me think of it but Ya I'm close to 10k so why not??

I have this really funny video to show you guys of my cousin using the force at the Polynesian resort at wdw but there's no option except for YouTubes.

Instead I'll use a picture of Elsa from the Christmas Day parade taping. So if you know what I look like -which is few- look for me I'll be on the left past Casey's corner on main street. Only on the frozen segment though.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone. Love you all and be safe.

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