Chapter 3

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I woke up in a strange room on the couch. Looking around the memories flooded back to me. Adopted, Michael, school. I started to go upstairs when I decided to be snoopy and look at everything that's downstairs.

Most of their CDs I looked at I've never heard of them. Hopefully I got to listen to a few because they sounded good.

Suddenly it got cold and I tried to pull my selves down from my jacket but I realized I took it off. To make it even worse in order to get the jacket I had to go upstairs and face everybody. It's still too early in the morning for me to talk to real people yet but what could I do?

I look around and saw a clock and it was eight in the morning, hopefully some of them were still asleep. So I crept upstairs really quietly. I heard the tv and luckily the steps to the basement and upstairs has no relation to the living room. So I quietly snuck upstairs put my jacket on and fell back asleep.

I woke up for the last time that morning at around 10 o'clock. Coming downstairs I made sure my scars were covered up all the way. Of course they probably know about them by now, but I'm kinda insecure about them.

Walking into the kitchen five heads turn to me, five pairs of eyes stare at me. I ignore them and open up the fridge for some milk.

"Cereal?" I ask while they still stare at me. Four of them point to where the cereal was and I picked out the chocolate chex.

"Not that one!" Calum shouts, grabbing the box away from me.

"Why?" I ask trying to grab the box away.

"Cause," Calum tries to put back the box without me grabbing it but fails. I pour a bowl for me and go sit on the counter.

After a few minutes they are still staring at me, "guys the staring is getting creepy." I look over to Michael for some help but he keeps staring at me. Looking at Tristan I realize he's no help as well.

"Fine I'm going back to bed," I say as I finish my bowl of cereal. Once the words sunk into their heads I was hugged by Tristan.

"You lose," Calum and Ashton say at the same time, with a bunch of laughter after.

"Hey mates can I talk with you for a moment outside? Just is four?" Michael asked motioning outside. They all followed silently, and before closing the door Michael winked at me.

At first I couldn't remember what we talked about. I remembered a few seconds later but hid it away from Tristan.

"What? You know what they're talking about don't you?" Tristan asked.

"What? No, no I don't." Luckily they came in so Tristan didn't ask any more questions.

"Guess what? Your going to be home schooled!!" Ashton shouts.

"I've talked to them about what happened and convinced them to home school you," Michael said all happily.

"So now go get ready for the mall," Calum adds. Many smiles from all of us makes our morning amazing.

I go up to my room and find some clothes that I've never noticed this morning. It's a tank top with what looks to apparently be a band shirt. 5 seconds of summer it says, I think it's their band. Slipping it on with shorts and my beat up chucks I was ready to go get new clothes.

When I came downstairs they all were on their phones waiting by the door.

"Finally your ready," Luke says looking up from his phone. Slowly all of them looked up and turned off their phones.

"Alright let's go," Ashton says grabbing keys from a bowl.

"Shotgun!" Michael shouts running to the car. Somehow because he was running Michael fell and tripped on- well I think air. We all started laughing and Calum ended up reaching the front seat first.

Tristan came out late apologizing saying he didn't know we were leaving right away. I filled him in on what he missed while Michael gave me a glare the entire time.

When we got there we split up. Ashton going one way alone, Michael and I ended up together. Leaving Calum, Luke and Tristan together.

Just before we parted a couple of girls shouted the boys names and came over to talk to them. I snuck away not sure where to go. There ended up to be a bigger crowd after five minutes.

Luckily they gave me a few hundred bucks in the car so when they were busy I checked out a few stores near by.

Finally after a half hour the girls went away and Michael found me by the food court.

"Sorry that's been happening a lot more lately," Michael says before stealing some of my fries.

We sat there for a couple minutes quietly before Michael gave up and dragged me over to hot topic. He picked out a lot of band tees that I've never heard of.

Looking around hot topic became my new favorite store because of book fandom merch, it's amazing!

After a long day of shopping and girls. Yes lots of girls stopped us to get an autograph. Michael got worried after a while and bought me a sweat shirt to wear to hide me.

We all met in the food court with many shopping bags. Many were full of Tristan and I's new clothes but there were some for the others too.

Ashton came to our table with a look of worry, "big problem there's a big mob of fans outside. We didn't see much inside the mall because of security."

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